Ashes of Creation: All about release, classes, alpha and more

Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation is one of the most anticipated MMORPGs. We summarise everything there is to know about the alpha, the gameplay and the classes before the release.

Ashes of Creation is a great MMORPG hope – you have also voted the online role-playing game with the extraordinary idea on place 1 of your most awaited MMOs. And although the release is still a while off, there is already a lot to know about Ashes of Creation. That’s why you’ll find an up-to-date overview of all the information about the alpha, subscription, gameplay, classes and more in this article.

Release: When will Ashes of Creation be released?

Ashes of Creation does not yet have an official release date. One indicator, however, is the currently running pre-alpha. The first testers indicate that Ashes of Creation still needs a lot of content and work and will probably not see a final release until 2023 or 2024 at the earliest.

Nevertheless, new gameplay from Ashes of Creation can be seen regularly. Most recently, massive castle sieges were shown in an extensive video:

Alpha: When does the alpha start and how do you participate?

The Alpha One took place from 14 July to 13 August 2021. Originally, the first alpha was lined up for June 2021, but was postponed due to the releases of WoW: Burnign Crusade and ESO: Blackwood, the team announced. The next alpha phase and the beta do not have a date yet.

In order to participate in the closed alpha, one must be an owner of an alpha package. This includes access to all future alphas and betas, eleven months of game time, numerous cosmetics and in-game currency. However, you also have to pay 500 US dollars for the said package.

Subscription price: How much does Ashes of Creation cost?

Ashes of Creation relies on a pure subscription model. This means that you will not have to buy the game, but will have access as long as you pay the monthly subscription fees. The monthly subscription fee will be 15 US dollars – but there is no final price for the game in Germany yet. You will be able to buy cosmetics in the in-game shop, but the developers clearly spoke out against a Pay2Win model.

Theoretically, you can already pre-order Ashes of Creation (although we advise caution here, as always). Since the download itself is free, the pre-order packages contain various in-game content and currency. The prices of the packages range from $75 to $500.

Gameplay: What makes Ashes of Creation special?

Ashes of Creation is based on an open world with elements from fantasy, the Middle Ages and the Orient. The most important feature are the so-called nodes, i.e. junctions in the world. The activities of the players around these places dynamically influence the plot and the Open World. A lot of activity in a village, for example, can make it rise to become a city. The new inhabitants, in turn, can awaken a sleeping dragon.

A similar concept was promised by Everquest Next – an MMO that has since been discontinued. However, many former developers are now working on Ashes of Creation. You can get a visual impression in our image gallery:

classes: What classes are there and how do they work?

Another special feature in Ashes of Creation are the classes. You choose both a primary and a secondary class, which in turn results in an individual class combination. In the following table you can see the planned combinations:

The nine playable races also have a small influence on the skills of your primary class. They have original names but correspond to the classic humans, elves, dwarves and orcs. Only the Tulnar are a separate race, to be human, reptiloid or mammalian, depending on your preference.

Ashes of Creation Apocalypse: What’s the Battle Royale all about?

Since 24 September 2019, you can find the free spin-off Ashes of Creation Apocalypse on Steam. The Early Access version is the independent PvP offshoot of Ashes of Creation, but currently only offers a Battle Royale mode. And it is not particularly well received at the moment. With only 36 percent positive reviews, the game is rated “Mostly Negative” on Steam.

What does Apocalypse have to do with Ashes of Creation? On the one hand, the PvP variant is used to test numerous technical issues. However, you also get a good foretaste of the planned combat system here. Various features are and were first tested in Apocalypse.

What is the problem? Most players rate the gameplay, the graphics and the combat system positively. Performance has also improved a lot in the meantime. Much criticism is due to the extensive monetisation. For many players it seems inappropriate to offer in-game purchases for a free standalone in Early Access while work is still being done on the main game. Many also fear that too much work is going into the Battle Royale, delaying development on Ashes of Creation.

What do you expect from Ashes of Creation? What are your hopes for the MMO and what questions remain unanswered? Drop us a line in the comments