Assassin”s Creed Mirage: All info on release, gameplay, story and co.


With Mirage, Assassin”s Creed 2023 goes into the next round. We tell you what is known so far about the release, the gameplay, the story and more.

Ubisoft hasn”t released a smash hit in a long time. However, there is at least hope that Assassin”s Creed Mirage can change that in 2023. But what can fans of the long-running assassin series expect with the return of Basim and the roots of Assassin”s Creed?

In this overview, we have collected all the important information for you – everything that is known so far about the release, story, gameplay and so on.

Everything you should know about AC Mirage

Release and platforms: When will Mirage be released?

At this point, Assassin”s Creed Mirage does not have a concrete release date. Ubisoft only announces that the next part of the Assassin series will be released in 2023 for PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S as well as PS4 and Xbox One – supposedly between April and June. As soon as we know more about the final launch date, you will of course find out here.

Preorder: Is Mirage already available for purchase?

Yes, Assassin”s Creed Mirage is already available for pre-order – even without a final release date. Buyers have the choice between three different versions:

  • Standard Edition for 50 euros
  • Deluxe Edition for 60 euros with deluxe content and digital collectibles
  • Collector”s Box for 150 Euro with deluxe content and physical goodies, such as a Basim figure, steelbook, map of Baghdad, an artbook and Basisms brooch.

As a pre-order bonus, there is said to be a quest titled The Forty Thieves which functions separately from the main story and alludes to the inspiration template 1001 Nights.

Story and setting: where is Mirage set?

The story of Assassin”s Creed Mirage takes place in 9th century Baghdad – between the years 860 and 870 to be exact – and even brings back an old acquaintance: we slip into the assassin robe of Basim, who fans of the AC series already know from Valhalla  

In the process, we will most likely learn how Basim became an assassin in the first place – as Mirage”s official story description reveals. According to this, we meet Basim in 9th century Baghdad as a wily street thief who searching for answers and justice encounters a mysterious, ancient organisation that is.

(Only one city, but more lively and immersive: Ubisoft wants to focus on the essentials in Assassin''s Creed Mirage).
(Only one city, but more lively and immersive: Ubisoft wants to focus on the essentials in Assassin”s Creed Mirage).

Scope: How big will Mirage be?

In direct comparison to the previous games such as Valhalla, Odyssey and Origins, Mirage should be much more compact and manageable. Baghdad, for example, remains the only city we explore in the role of Basim – even DLCs are not supposed to deliver additional metropolises afterwards.

But don”t worry: Assassin”s Creed continues to rely on an open world concept with Mirage. However, fans should expect a linear action adventure rather than a full-blown role-playing game. Creative Director Stephane Boudon described Mirage as an open city game in the GlobalESportNews interview.

In return, Ubisoft wants to make Baghdad itself all the more lively, immersive and detailed. How this will look in the end, however, remains to be seen. At the moment, there are no detailed gameplay videos to be seen.

Gameplay: How does Mirage play?

With Mirage, Ubisoft wants to return to the roots of the Assassin”s Creed series – at least that”s what the developers behind the project promise in person. And even if there are no concrete gameplay trailers or videos to be seen at the moment, we at least already know one or two details.

What the gameplay of Assassin”s Creed Mirage should offer

  • Greater focus on stealth and parkour
  • Focus on the main story, less side quests and collectibles
  • Throwing knives, smoke bombs, noisemakers and slow motion kills
  • The eagle eye view that allows you to see enemies and mission objectives through walls
  • Upgrading your equipment
  • Baghdad as a living city and social stealth as a feature – e.g. Basim can duck into crowds, which should be comparable in scale to Unity

What the gameplay of Assassin”s Creed Mirage should not offer:

  • Classic role-playing game elements, as they existed in Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla.
  • Experience points and level ups
  • Loot with rarity levels
  • Dialogue options
  • Character Editor or Gender Selection
  • DLCs

Trailer: What to watch for Mirage

There is currently only one official trailer for Assassin”s Creed Mirage. This is a first reveal video that does not show real game scenes, but rather cinematically staged render sequences. The main aim is to convey the mood and atmosphere of Mirage and the Baghdad setting – take a look for yourself:

How Assassin”s Creed continues alongside Mirage

Mirage isn”t the only Assassin”s Creed Ubisoft is currently working on. In fact, the developer studio has announced several new games set in the assassin”s universe as early as 2022. These are the following titles:

  • Assassin”s Creed: Codename Red
  • Assassin”s Creed: Codename Witch
  • Assassin”s Creed: Codename Jade
  • Assassin”s Creed: Infinity
  • Assassin”s Creed: Invictus
  • Assassin”s Creed exclusive to Netflix (TV series)

What are your hopes and expectations for Assassin”s Creed Mirage? How do you like the new/old direction Ubisoft is taking with the latest instalment in the series? Let us know in the comments!