Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Soon release of Paris DLC apparently leaked

‎Assassin's Creed Valhalla Soon release
‎Assassin's Creed Valhalla Soon release


The release date of the Siege of Paris addon has apparently appeared early on the Xbox Store. It should be ready as early as the beginning of August.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla sends you to Paris in the summer of 2021 to relieve the Frankish city of its belongings with tried and tested Viking gentleness. Now a release date for the DLC The Siege of Paris may have been leaked prematurely.

An Xbox user was apparently shown a teaser text with the exact release date. If this date is correct, The Siege of Paris for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will be released as early as August 5, 2021


How likely the info?

Hold your horses a little longer, as the screen is said to have been unavailable shortly afterwards. So it could have been a placeholder. However, the date shown is not improbable, after all, Ubisoft already narrowed down the release period for summer 2021. So the date is definitely within the realm of possibility.

The text shown also reads credibly, corresponds to the style of professional PR texts and fits in with the previously known information about the new DLC for AC Valhalla.

“Sail to the war-torn kingdom of Francia and lay siege to the fortified city of Paris! Battle the merciless forces of Charles the Fat and form strategic alliances to secure the future of your clan. Get your Season Pass now and enjoy The Siege of Paris on August 5. ”

However, as official confirmation from Ubisoft is pending, please view the info with the necessary scepticism.