Baldur’s Gate 3: Mod brings thirteenth D&D class into the game


Thanks to a group of modders, the already gigantic Larian Epic continues to grow: the Artificer adds a true specialist to the ranks of mages.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is huge. At least almost as impressive as the implementation of the game world, the story and the quality in general is also Larian’s handling of the D&D rulebook. Thus, twelve of the 13 official basic classes from Edition 5e of the tabletop foundation can already be found in the megahit. The only thing missing is the Artificer, which fans are now helping out with a mod – and with impressive dedication.

The mod, (found on the Nexus-Page), integrates not only the basic class, but all four official specialisations of this class for experts, which are sometimes very different to play.

What is an Artificer?

In a few words, an Artificer can be described as a magically gifted (intelligence-based) tinkerer who can draw out the potential of items of all kinds using their inherent arcane power. He brings four subclasses:

  • Alchemist: Potions to strengthen for the group, a classic supporter.
  • Armorer: A caster who can customise his play style with enchanted armour.
  • Artillery: The wand becomes a (mobile) firearm.
  • Battle Smith: You make yourself a magical-mechanical companion, in a way comparable to an appropriately skilled ranger who has an animal companion at his side.

What else can the Artificer do? This particular magic adept is enormously versatile, but a core ability that benefits the entire party is the ability to enchant items.

For anyone who wants to know more about the class, we recommend (this basic video) from the Dungeon Dudes, which clearly breaks down what this class can do at the table and so also with changes adapted for Baldur’s Gate 3 in the virtual. And the following video explains what to expect from the subclasses in detail:

Installation instructions

Since the installation requires a few more steps and this could also change due to the still rather early stage of BG3 modding, we will only give you some general hints at this point. For a complete guide, please have a look at the Nexus page of the Artificer mod.

But wait! These are not all the classes from D&D 5e?!

Yes, they are all official classes. But if you’ve been playing tabletop for a while, you know that there are still quite a few more or less well-known fan creations out there that are considered quasi-canonical in some places. One example is (the Matt(hew) Mercer created Blood Hunter).

So it’s probably only a matter of time before the community paves the way for more classes on the level of the Artificer mod to make their way into the world of Baldur’s Gate 3.

Do you mod Baldur’s Gate 3 at all? What kind of mods do you use? Which (sub)classes would you like to see in a mod or as DLC? Thanks to the fans, there would be countless more basic classes or subclasses. Or do you find the idea of modifying such a huge and almost perfect role-playing game already rather silly? Feel free to write us your opinion in the comments!