Baldur’s Gate 3: New Nvidia driver can almost double your FPS, but only under one condition


For the best possible performance in the role-playing game, you should install the new graphics driver from Nvidia. We’ll explain what it does for you.

How does Baldur’s Gate 3 run on your system? Good? Mediocre? Rather bad? Catastrophic? Alright, we don’t want to paint a picture of the tiefling on the wall. One thing is for sure: If you want better performance and are in possession of an Nvidia graphics card, you should definitely read on.

Because a new driver promises big performance leaps. The reason for this is an optimization of the in-house DLSS technology for the gigantic role-playing game. However, there is an important point to note, we’ll explain it to you.

 This is the reason for this.

By the way, you can download the driver either (on the Nvidia website) or via your locally installed tool Geforce Experience.

Where is the bottleneck in your computer?

Basically, the situation is simple: Thanks to an optimized upscaling technology in Baldur’s Gate 3, up to 93 percent more performance is possible according to Nvidia  Sounds too good to be true? That’s where we’ve already reached the catch, because this is of course PR-speak.

Nvidia claims to have achieved this performance increase on average and on cards of the still rather uncommon RTX-4000 cards, even in UHD resolution. For you, this means: The performance boost strongly depends on your system.

(The FPS jumps promised by Nvidia are not to be recorded on every computer.)
(The FPS jumps promised by Nvidia are not to be recorded on every computer.)

Keyword GPU Limit: You always unlock the most FPS via DLSS when your graphics card is at its limit. Your processor passes all the data needed for the image information to the GPU, but the GPU can’t keep up, so a bottleneck is created. In this scenario, almost exclusively found in high resolutions starting from WQHD, DLSS brings a lot.

Here, you may well notice a big performance increase after installing the new driver. However, there is also the opposite case: Your CPU is so weak that it can hardly keep up with providing data, while your graphics card philosophizes about the meaning of life in view of all the free time.

In the first place, you will notice a big increase in performance.

In this case, i.e. when you are in the CPU limit, even the most optimized Nvidia driver will do you precious little good. However: Just try it! Even in the worst case, your FPS will hardly increase, otherwise there are no problems to be expected.

Have you already installed the new Nvidia driver for Baldur’s Gate 3? If so, were you actually able to get a big performance increase or is the frame rate mostly the same as before the driver update? Are you satisfied with the performance of the role-playing game or do you have more serious problems? Feel free to write us your experience reports in the comments!