Baldur’s Gate 3 takes one of the most annoying characters of all time and makes it worse


Baldur’s Gate 3 presents a new character who is a hot candidate to enter the hall of fame of the most annoying NPCs of all time.

What is the most annoying NPC of all time? Many would say the worshipper from The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. In Baldur’s Gate 3 there is a character that strongly resembles this legendarily annoying character. In truth, however, the inspiration comes from a character who was getting on our nerves long before the fan

Watch out for spoilers!

If you want to be completely surprised, then you’d better not read on from here. You can find out for yourself who this curious NPC is. Details about the story, however, will not be revealed.

The most annoying character in Baldur’s Gate

On Twitter, development studio Larian recently revealed a new video introducing this new NPC. It is a human named Naaber, whom you can meet in Baldur’s Gate. In the video you can already see that Naaber doesn’t stop talking.

The blond man even runs after your hero troop and talks like a waterfall. The video advises you to push the nuisance into a river at some point. Should you suddenly have a yearning afterwards, you can at least talk to his corpse. By the way, the character is voiced by Twitch-Streamer (CohhCarnage).

Why, Larian?

Why would Larian voluntarily build such an annoying character into the game? Well, because that’s actually tradition in Baldur’s Gate! Naaber is strongly reminiscent of two other characters from the two prequels because of his name and lines of dialogue.

In Baldur’s Gate 1, you could meet (an NPC named Noober) who would talk to you by the second about trivia and how others found him annoying. In Baldur’s Gate 2 ( Neeber again appeared on the scene). He followed the same principle and talked to your hero non-stop until you could flee from him – or put an end to his life

By the way! In the predecessors there was a reward if you listened to Neeber or Noober long enough. So maybe you should also think about giving Naaber a chance in BG3.

What do you think about this curious Easter Egg? Are you happy that Larian is going back to the roots of Baldur’s Gate or were you glad to be rid of those annoying babblers? Are you already making plans to get rid of Naaber? Be sure to post all your thoughts on the matter in the comments!