Battlefield 2042: 11 ammo types hint at many weapon options


A known dataminer finds hints of different ammo types in BF2042. This could change the gameplay a lot.

Special weapons, gadgets, specialists: Battlefield 2042 is not stingy with elements that could expand the gameplay and even change it a lot for series veterans. Now a data find provides another possibility that should make Battlefield infinitely more complex to play.

The data miner “Temporyal” presented the findings of his latest dig on Twitter: different ammunition types in Battlefield 2042. If the multiplayer shooter really gets this feature, the battlefields could be given many more tactical options.

What exactly was found?

Temporyal found eleven different types of ammunition and three magazine sizes. Possible ammunition for rifles and co. reads:

– Subsonic (subsonic bullets)

– Incendiary (incendiary bullets)

– Explosive (explosive projectiles)

– Armor Piercing

– Ranged (Long Range)

Possible ammunition for shotguns is:

– Buckshot (coarse shot) in the four variants normal, short, medium and long

– Slug (shotgun shells)

– Flechette (needle bullets)

What could this mean?

If this comes into the game as a feature, it is very reminiscent of Hunt: Showdown and offers numerous additional tactical options. For example, subsonic ammunition could be used for the stealthy and explosive ammunition for the brute style of play.

The question remains whether the ammunition would be available in all modes or limited to certain play styles. Presumably, the feature would best suit a more tactical Hunt or Escape from Tarkov-style mode – as Hazard Zone is said to be, according to this same dataminer.

But until an official confirmation, you should view the data find with scepticism. After all, it is not certain that the data is indicative of the content that is ultimately planned. Nevertheless, the idea of a BF2042 with more tactical depth is an interesting one.

At gamescom 2021, Battlefield 2042 remained worryingly quiet, so to speak, with EA and DICE continuing to show no lengthy passages of official gameplay just under two months before release.

Indes Alpha recordings of BF2042 already reveal a lot. We have also examined all the weapons known so far for you.

Battlefield 2042: All weapons confirmed so far