Battlefield 2042: All weapons confirmed so far

‎Battlefield 2042 All weapons
‎Battlefield 2042 All weapons

Battlefield 2042’s arsenal is made up of cutting-edge military equipment. We list all the weapons that have been announced and can be seen in the trailer.

Clearly, there are tanks, helicopters and robot dogs in Battlefield 2042, of course. But let’s face it, most of our time is spent with our feet on the ground and a gun in our hands, right?

The slightly futuristic setting allows DICE to incorporate all kinds of prototype types and state-of-the-art rifles, pistols, machine guns and much more. Exciting: all weapons seem to be based on real models and are recreated in extreme detail.

We grilled the developers on the subject of weapons shortly before the reveal, dissected the trailer down to the smallest detail and analysed screenshots to find out all the weapons known so far. Here is our list:


Ingame designation: M5A3

Description: According to DICE, the M5A3 is supposed to be a balanced assault rifle that can be used as an all-rounder. The real-life prototype of the weapon in 6.8x51mm calibre is currently competing with two other manufacturers in the so-called NGSW programme (short for “Next Generation Squad Weapon”) of the US Army to succeed the M4 system. As the designation M5 suggests, the rifle has achieved this goal in the fictional world of BF2042.

Die M5A3 ist im Trailer mehrfach zu sehen, hier sehr gut links im Bild erkennbar.

CROSS Vector

Ingame designation: K30

Description: The developers call the K30 the king of close combat. No wonder, as the real-life prototype is notorious for its compactness, high rate of fire and low recoil. One of the first prototypes of the weapon was called the K10, so the game version is supposed to be a further development. Players know the Vector from CoD Modern Warfare, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint or Escape from Tarkov, among others.

The K30 in the Reveal Trailer

The K30 in the gameplay trailer


Ingame Trailer: DM7

Description: Actually, this M4 variant from Daniel Defense is an assault rifle, but in Battlefield 2042 the weapon seems to take on more of a precision rifle role and has been heavily modified for this purpose. The DM7 is said to be very accurate and versatile – it is possible that different barrels, types of ammunition and sights can be attached for different purposes. In the Reveal trailer, among other things, a version with a silencer can be seen.

DM7 in BF Portal

DM7 in the trailer

AK-12 (2020 version)

Ingame designation: AK 24

Description: A modern shooter can hardly do without a Kalashnikov and BF2042 has a new version of the classic in its arsenal: in the Reveal trailer, several soldiers are seen with the AK-12, a revised assault rifle variant of the Russian airborne troops in 5.45x39mm calibre. This new version has improved ergonomic details, an extendable plastic stock and a magazine with an extended level indicator.

In einem modernen Shooter darf natürlich die AK nicht fehlen. Battlefield 2042 setzt auf die aktuellste Variante.

Glock 18

Ingame designation: G57

Description: In the trailer a 9mm Glock can be seen in action. The G57 designation suggests that in the fictional future of Battlefield 2042, nine more models were built after the Glock 48 (from 2019). In the gameplay reveal, versions with micro-reflex sights, silencers and laser light module can be seen.

Die stark modifizierte Version der Glock 57 mit diversen Attachments beim Nachladen.

Sako TRG M10 Sniper

Ingame name: TG-24

Description: In the gameplay trailer, the player carries a bolt-action sniper rifle in several scenes, which appears to be a Finnish Sako TRG M10 Sniper Weapon System and is an evolution of the TRG-21 and TRG-22 (hence the name TG-24 in the game, I guess). The real-life M10 lost out to the Remington MSR and Barrret MRAD in the 2019 race to become the new US Special Forces sniper weapon. Today, Australian and Finnish Special Forces, among others, use it.

Das TG-24 mit Zielfernrohr. Im Trailer ist aber auch eine Version mit Iron Sights zu sehen.


Ingame designation: PBX-9

Description: In several places an SMG-45 appears in the Reveal trailer, which is often confused with the famous H&K UMP. Different configurations can be seen, for example with silencers, different sights and front grips. The weapon is one of the most modern submachine guns on the market and appears in Warface and in CoD Warzone (under the name Striker 45), among others.

PBX-9 in the gameplay trailer

PBX-9 in the cinematic trailer

Carl Gustaf M4

Ingame name: unknown

Description: A particular scene in the Reveal trailer makes reference to the infamous Rendezook move: a pilot gets out of his jet in flight, takes the enemy plane out of the sky with a bazooka and gets back in freefall. The weapon used here is an FFV Carl Gustaf, as we know it from Battlefield Bad Company 2, for example.

Sandbox-Gefühl: Die Entwickler betonen, man wolle in BF2042 die typischen Battlefield-Momente ermöglichen.


Ingame Name: LCMG

Description: Towards the end of the Reveal trailer, a soldier can be seen in the Tornado scene with the Knight’s Armament Corporation (KAC) Light Assault Machine Gun (LAMG), which is based on the historic Stoner MG and only went into production a few years ago. Presumably the large-calibre variant in 7.62x51mm with red dot sighting is seen here. In CoD Modern Warfare and Warzone, the weapon is known as the FiNN LMG. In Battlefield 2042 the weapon is called LCMG.

KAC LAMG in the cinematic trailer

KAC LAMG in the gameplay trailer

Remington 870 Shotgun

Ingame name: unknown

Description: In the trailer scene in the container port of the map Manifest, a soldier carries the Remington 870 MCS with some modifications. For example, the stock has apparently been modified and extended with a retractable M4 shoulder stock. The shotgun is known from many other games, such as Rainbow Six: Siege or Medal of Honor: Warfighter.

Shotguns sind natürlich wieder bestens für den Nahkampf geeignet. Durch das neue Specialist-System kann jede Klasse auf Flinten zugreifen.

DSR-1 Sniper

Ingame name: unknown

Description: The German-made DSR-1 bullpup sniper rifle from DSR Precision can be seen in the Reveal trailer. The real-life model of the bolt-action rifle is used by various special police forces, such as in Luxembourg, Spain and the GSG-9 in Germany. It can be configured for various calibres from .300 Winchester to 12.7mm NATO.

Der Soldat links im Bild hält das DSR-1. Das Gewehr verfügt über eine Magazinhalterung vor dem Abzug, um schnelles Nachladen zu ermöglichen.


Ingame designation: unknown

Description: The infamous FN SCAR assault rifle appears in the trailer for a brief moment in the heavy H version (SCAR Mk17 in 7.62mm NATO). The SCAR system is used by police and military special forces in France, Germany, Norway, Poland, the USA and Turkey, among others. Players know it from Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, Arma and many other titles. In Battlefield 2042, the FN EGLM 40mm under-barrel grenade launcher will be available as an attachment.

PKP Pecheneg MG

Ingame name: unknown

Description: Although the weapon is only visible for a brief moment, a soldier on the kaleidoscope map in the trailer apparently carries the PKP machine gun from Russia in the modernised bullpup variant, where the grip and trigger are located in front of the ammunition feed. The machine gun is a relatively new design and is based on the Soviet Union’s PKM system. The weapon last made an appearance in Ghost Recon: Breakpoint.

Der Soldat rechts im Bild trägt das PKP-Bullpup durch die Straßen der koreanischen Stadt.

Weapon remaster for Battlefield Portal

In addition to the new weapons for Battlefield 2042’s multiplayer, there will be a whole host of remastered weapons from Battlefield 3, Battlefield 1942 and Bad Company 2 making their way into Battlefield Portal. We list here which parts from the arsenal of the old BF spin-offs have been confirmed:

Battlefield 1942

– M1911
– K98 & Sniper version
– Thompson SMG
– M1 Garand
– Lee-Enfield No.4
– Bazooka
– Panzerschreck
– BAR 1918
– MP-40
– StG 44
– Walther P38

Battlefield Bad Company 2

– M93R
– G3
– AKS-74U
– M416
– M240B
– Type 88 MG
– PP-2000
– MP412 Rex revolver
– MP443 Games
– XM8
– GOL Sniper
– M24 Sniper

Battlefield 3

– P90
– DAO-12 Shotgun
– SPAS 12
– M98 Hat
– G3A3
– AN-94
– SVD Draugnov
– M60 E4