Battlefield 2042: Alpha test starts soon, but only a few are allowed to participate

Battlefield 2042 Alpha-Test
Battlefield 2042 Alpha-Test

The Battlefield 2042 technical playtest has a new start date: The strictly limited alpha will start in August. We provide you with all the information on registration and co.

Battlefield 2042 will be released on 22 October 2021, but fans will already get the chance to put the game through its paces in advance – in the course of a technical playtest. We provide you with all the information about the strictly limited alpha: What you should know about registration, keys and the release or launch.

How you can play Battlefield 2042 before release

Strictly limited alpha phase in August

Who gets access? Access to the Battlefield 2042 technical playtest is strictly limited. Only “select players” will be allowed to participate in the test phase, EA says. It is speculated that this could primarily mean long-term Battlefield players who have already gained a lot of experience with the brand. In total, there is talk of only “a few thousand players” worldwide.

When is the alpha launch? The technical playtest of Battlefield 2042 will start on August 12, 2021. Originally, July was planned for it, however, the plans were postponed by developer DICE in the same month in order to integrate and test the crossplay feature.

How do I get keys
? To participate in the Battlefield 2042 alpha, you can apply on the official EA website as a playtester. Please note, however, that you are not guaranteed to be selected to take part in the playtest! You will need a lot of luck and hopefully enough Battlefield game hours on your account to be eligible for a key

When are invitations sent out? Meanwhile, according to industry insider Okami, invitations to Battlefield 2042’s alpha are already circulating. So be sure to take a look at your email inbox if you have applied to take part. Keep in mind, however, that only a relatively small number of community members will be selected for the technical playtest – there are no other ways to get keys.

What hardware will I need if I am selected? Since invitations are already circulating, there is already information about the system requirements for the Battlefield 2042 Alpha.

What is playable in the Alpha? EA plans test matches on the map Orbital with 128 players in Conquest mode. Four already revealed Specialists and their gadgets and several weapons (including the M5A3 and AC42 assault rifles) as well as some helicopters and jets are to be playable. According to the official post, the test will take place in a very limited development environment and will not offer all the features that will be included in the open beta or in the finished game.

Orbital ist eine der größten Maps im Spiel. Im Zentrum steht die Startrampe einer Raumfähre. Der Raketenstart kann katastrophal enden!

What is the purpose of the playtest? The focus is on technical performance, according to EA. Primarily, player search, party or squad joining and loading times are to be tested. Crossplay will also be supported, allowing players on PC, Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5 to play against each other.

Will there be gameplay from the alpha? No, all playtesters will be required to sign a strict confidentiality agreement that strictly prohibits the recording of gameplay. So there is unlikely to be any coverage or new video footage of Battlefield 2042 from the testing phase

Open Beta in the weeks leading up to release

If you’re not lucky or simply don’t want to take part in the Battlefield 2042 alpha, you’ll get a second chance to play in before release: In September 2021, the Open Beta of the DICE shooter will take place:

Do you want to take part in the play opportunities of Battlefield 2042 before release? Or would you rather wait until the finished game is released? Let us know in the comments.