Battlefield 2042: Clues to special weapons & new map discovered

‎Battlefield 2042 Clues to Special Weapons & New Map Discovered‎
‎Battlefield 2042 Clues to Special Weapons & New Map Discovered‎

The technical alpha of Battlefield 2042 reveals many details and data miners are busy tearing apart the code. In the process they discovered hints of a new map and weapons.

Battlefield 2042 will be released on 22 October and despite a lot of information about maps, weapons and modes, a lot remains in the dark. After all, the developers from DICE also want to announce new content themselves.

Special weapons will presumably return

Back in the Secret Weapons of WW2 DLC for Battlefield 1942, the so-called “Battle Pickups” first appeared, which many players know as special weapons or gadgets. Since then, they have appeared in almost every game, most recently in the form of the Elite Kits in Battlefield 1 or the flamethrowers in Battlefield 5.

On Twitter, the data miner temporyal has published new hints about upcoming content for the first season of Battlefield 2042. As with leaks, the information should be taken with a grain of salt and it is not certain that the content will actually appear.

These are the three new special weapons: There are hints of a grenade launcher, which is called the M32A1 Milkor MGL. Also, the M134A2 Vulcan minigun and the Barret XM109 sniper rifle, which has a tripod for stabilisation. The corresponding images have been directly included by temporyal in his tweet:

What makes special weapons special

In the past parts you could not select special weapons directly, but collected them directly on the multiplayer maps. They are visible to every player at special locations and differ from your normal equipment in terms of firepower and usefulness.

A minigun, for example, would be perfect for taking down enemy helicopters or fighting infantry groups. The grenade launcher, on the other hand, should be good against vehicles or fortified positions with its explosive power. The XM109 sniper could punch through armour or entire buildings – after all, with 25x59mm explosive ammunition, it’s a real big gun!

When the new weapons will come and which special weapons will follow in the future remains uncertain. However, there will be dozens of weapons at release – exactly which ones and what makes them special,

New map with the codename “Ridge “

Temporyal has not only discovered special weapons in the code of Battlefield 2042, but also hints of a new map. In the internal files it is called “Ridge”. Where it is set and what you can expect on the new map remains hidden. According to temporyal, there are hints of the Tornado, which also played a big role in the gameplay and teaser trailers.

There have already been hints of new locations in Battlefield 2042 with the short film “Exodus”. In the 9 minute long short film, London is introduced as a location – it would be quite conceivable that Ridge is set in London.

Are you looking forward to the special weapons? And which special weapons from the old Battlefield games would you like to see in the new game? Write it down in the comments!