Battlefield 2042: Heroine has to take a big nerf before the beta

Battlefield 2042 Heroine has to take a big nerf before the beta

After feedback from the alpha testers, DICE is making some changes to the shooter. Among other things, Specialist Falck is toned down

The exact start date for the beta of Battlefield 2042 is still unknown, but they are already busy balancing the game. A heroine proved to be too powerful in a technical alpha and is therefore already being changed. In addition, hit markers will show whether you shoot at the head or at the armour in the future.

Specialist Falck could heal too well

This was the problem: Maria Falck could heal allies from a distance and even revive them with her special equipment “Syrette Pistol”. This caused unfair situations on the battlefield and must therefore be adjusted.

As the developers announce, Falck can still heal, but can no longer bring back fallen comrades from a distance. For the revive, she must therefore approach the fallen comrade. What remains unchanged is that she can still use her special weapon offensively.

You can get an impression of Falck’s gadget and the equipment of some other Specialists in the latest gameplay video:

Change in hit markers
Also before the beta, the hit indicators will be changed. They will now show you in colour whether you are currently shooting at your opponent’s head or armour. According to game designer @DRUNKKZ3, yellow means you hit the head and blue means you hit the armour.

You can see pictures of the new hit markers in the tweet (Battlefield Bulletin accidentally mixed up the colours):

However, there will probably be some changes before the beta. The hit markers always cause heated discussions and the developers themselves have confirmed on Redditthat it is a “work in progress”. After the feedback from the beta, more could then change by the time of the launch.

Another new feature: According to DRUNKKZ3, there will be options later on to customise the crosshairs, hit indicators and kill markers yourself, for example by changing the colours. If certain versions are often requested by players, they could be added later.

When does the Open Beta for Battlefield 2042 start? This question is probably burning under the nails of every Battlefield fan. And there is no clear answer yet – it should be sometime in September, probably in the second half of the month. False leaks caused misunderstandings about the schedule, we clarify.