Battlefield 2042: How to take part in the Open Beta

‎Battlefield 2042 Open Beta

Shooter fans take note: The open beta for Battlefield 2042 starts in September. We provide you with all the information about the start, the registration and what else you should know.

Battlefield 2042 will be released on 22 October 2021, but in the course of an open beta you will have the opportunity to play the new DICE shooter before the release. We provide you with the most important information: When does the beta start? And how can you take part?

Caution: Please take these dates with a grain of salt. The information is based on an official blog posting that has since been deleted. It’s quite possible that DICE will ultimately push the launch date back a few days.

Official info on the Open Beta coming soon?

Even if the dates below are to be taken with a grain of salt: It shouldn’t be long before we finally get official statements from EA and DICE on the topic of Open Beta. This is also the assumption of the usually well-informed leaker Tom Henderson, as he shares via Twitter:

The Sony and Microsoft stores provide us with another indication: both the PlayStation Store and the Microsoft Store are apparently making preparations for the imminent start of the open beta. As we know, pre-orderers are allowed to enter the battlefield a few days earlier, and it is precisely for this early access that entries are now appearing in the stores.

In the case of the PSN, you have to rely on Twitter for this information; Microsoft doesn’t even bother to hide the store entry from prying eyes. Therefore, the conclusion is obvious that we can expect official information within the next few days or even hours. Until then, however, you can use the information below as a guide with a clear conscience.

Beta date: From when to when will the beta take place?

As usual for EA games, pre-orderers get certain benefits. These include early access to the beta. So there are two groups:

Early-Access-Access starting on September 4 at 10am German time

Access for all players from 6 September at 10am German time

Pre-orderers will therefore get two full days head start, but from 6 September anyone interested can then move up. You don’t need to have bought Battlefield 2042 to try out the Open Beta

Battlefield 2042: When does the beta end?

The beta for Battlefield 2042 will end on 16 September 2021 at around 4pm. At least that’s the preliminary information. We don’t know yet if you will get any ingame benefits in the final release if you participated in the beta.

Preload: When can I download the beta?

To ensure that you can participate in the Battlefield 2042 beta on time, developer DICE is offering you a preload. The preload will be available from the following date, provided EA doesn’t throw these plans out again:

Preload starting September 3, 2021 at 10am German time

Registration: How do I take part in the beta

To participate in the Battlefield 2042 open beta, you have two options:

Early-Access: To have earlier access to the beta on September 4, you have to pre-order Battlefield 2042. Then the client will be unlocked for you earlier

Open Access: Here every player can participate from 6 September. Just look for the client via Steam or Origin as soon as the runway is free.

Content: What does the beta offer?

What exactly you will get to play in the September Battlefield 2042 beta is currently unknown. We will of course update this article as soon as possible as developer DICE provides new information.

This is how the gameplay of Battlefield 2042 will be: If your fingers are already itching, we have another hot tip for you. In the following video we provide you with all the insights into the gameplay of Battlefield 2042 and what conclusions this allows for the final game.

When will Battlefield 2042 be released anyway?

The release of Battlefield 2042 is scheduled for 22 October 2021. So the beta will take place over a month before that. The developers don’t have time for big changes, but at least it should be possible to take balancing feedback from the beta into the final game.

Everything you need to know about Battlefield: If you want to prepare yourself for the release of Battlefield 2042, we have the perfect overview for you. In the following article, we provide you with everything you need to know about the maps, classes, weapons, setting and more:

Battlefield 2042: All info on release, maps, classes and more

Will you be taking a look at the Battlefield 2042 beta in September? Or would you rather wait for the final release in October? Let us know in the comments.