Battlefield 2042: Is a “Best of Battlefield” behind the second secret mode?


No Battle Royale and no level editor: The second secret mode of Battlefield 2042 will allegedly be a Battlefield hub with old maps.

At release, Battlefield 2042 will feature four different game modes: Conquest and Breakthrough have already been explained in detail, while there is hardly any official information about the other two variants – at least a few details were revealed about Hazard Zone:

EA and DICE only list the third mode as “Blacked Out” on Battlefield 2042. However, the well-known insider and leaker Tom Henderson now wants to know what the unknown mode is.

Who is the leaker?

Tom Henderson is not an unknown name and has insider sources within the developer scene. Via his YouTube channel “TheLongSenstation” he gained notoriety at the time because he leaked the name and setting of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare before the announcement. He also predicted the release of the Battle Royale spin-off Warzone and the first information on the new Battlefield.

Battlefield Hub: A Sandbox for Fans

In a new video, Henderson talks about the fourth mode, which will apparently be called “Battlefield Hub”. This is supposed to be the “ultimate sandbox experience” and exist as a fun mode.

Best of Battlefield: According to Henderson’s information, the mode will allow a mix of previous Battlefield games. Thus, the Battlefield Hub contains remastered versions of earlier maps, in which it will be possible for tanks from Battlefield 1 and Battlefield 3 to coexist, among other things.

For this reason, the mode is supposed to offer hardly any game balance, but serve primarily as a sandbox mode in which players are allowed to let off steam. Twitter user DANNYonPC sums up the idea in a picture:

Based on Battlefield 2042: How many maps and content will be carried over from previous Battlefield games, Henderson doesn’t know. However, the remastered versions are expected to run on the current Frostbite engine. The movement and new specialist system from Battlefield 2042 will also be completely carried over.

Since most of the maps from previous Battlefield games were designed for 64-players, they are also supposed to remain that way in Battlefield Hub. However, larger maps, such as the Bandar Desert from Battlefield 3, could also allow 128-players.

Separate download, but no F2P: To save download and install size, the Battlefield Hub will be available as a separate mode, according to Henderson’s information. However, access to Battlefield 2042 will still be required to actually play the mode.Accordingly, a free variant is not planned.

What does DICE say about this?

It is impossible to say at the moment whether the information that Tom Henderson shares is actually true. Henderson himself says that the speculations should be taken with a grain of salt. He has tried to check the information with other sources, but has not been successful so far.

So far there is only one statement from developer DICE about the still secret game mode, but it could well fit in with the current rumours:

“Experience the vast universe of Battlefield in a new gameplay experience that our fans can look forward to in Battlefield 2042.”

After all, the developers are apparently deliberately talking about Battlefield as an entire brand within a new mode here. This is also supposed to be dedicated to the fans of the series, which is why a kind of Battlefield Remix makes perfect sense. Whether this will actually be as extensive as Henderson describes, however, remains to be seen.

Official information will only be available next month. EA’s in-house exhibition, EA Play Live, will take place on 22 July, where the developers will present the game mode for the first time.