Battlefield 2042: New Gameplay Details on Vehicles, Loadouts & AI Bots



The developers of Battlefield 2042 answer many fan questions in a new blog entry. We summarise the most important new info here.

A new blog post with and by Daniel Berlin, the design director of Battlefield 2042, answers numerous questions from players that have been posed to the studio since the game’s reveal.

However, not only known features are explained, but also some completely new details are revealed. We have therefore picked out all the fresh information and listed it here for you.

Loadouts & Squads in Battlefield 2042

The traditional class system of Battlefield will be redesigned in the latest part and expanded by the so-called Specialists – what exactly this looks like, you can read in our overview of the Specialist system.

Until now, it was also known that the choice of a specialist only affects abilities and gadgets, but not weapons. The developers now explain how exactly the loadout can be adjusted.

One active and one passive ability per hero: each specialist has a unique gadget and a talent (trait). Maria Falck from the Support class, for example, wields the pistol with healing injections and brings comrades back with full life during Squad Revive (which returns from the predecessors). Both are fixed and cannot be replaced!

Explosive weapons like the Carl Gustaf (pictured left) occupy the equipment slot and are not class dependent.
Explosive weapons like the Carl Gustaf (pictured left) occupy the equipment slot and are not class dependent.

Four additional free slots: Each Specialist can also freely occupy four additional inventory slots with generally available equipment and weapons. This then looks like this, for example:

– Primary weapon (such as the M5A3 or other rifles).
– Secondary weapon (such as the Glock 57 or similar)
– Equipment (for example, medicine or ammunition box)
– Throwing object (hand grenade, incendiary grenade, etc.)

Missile launchers are free equipment: any Specialist can equip an explosive weapon such as the Carl Gustaf M5 or an FIM-33 AA anti-aircraft missile and thus defend against vehicles, but then foregoes supply crates, for example. The developers emphasise that they take rocket launchers into special consideration when balancing for this reason:

“We look closely at individual components, such as ease of use, range or effectiveness against infantry and vehicles. We’re also introducing defences against Rocket Launchers and catering for situations where you’d rather have something else in your pack.”

Four players per squad confirmed: The developers confirm for the first time that squad size will be limited to four players. There will be no specialist restrictions in regular multiplayer, so a squad can contain the same specialist multiple times in Conquest or Breakthrough. However, due to a large selection of different skins, these can differ greatly visually, according to the developers.

Vehicles and robots in Battlefield 2042
The dog-like robot Ranger was already revealed at the shooter’s reveal (you can see him from minute 0:44 in the trailer premiere). Now it is clear how exactly he works and also many new details about other vehicles and the drop-in system are finally known – here are the most important key points.

Ranger counts as a vehicle, not a gadget
: Strictly speaking, the four-legged robot falls into the vehicle category, but of course you can’t get in. Nevertheless, it can be requested by any specialist via the call-in tablet and is then transported to the battlefield by drop, just like battle tanks, for example. There is, however, an upper limit for simultaneously active Ranger units.

The Ranger is armed with a machine gun and can self-destruct on command.
The Ranger is armed with a machine gun and can self-destruct on command.

Ranger listens to your command: The robo-companion follows players and protects them (even with his life if necessary), but also listens to commands. For example, you can use it as a diversionary manoeuvre or reconnaissance vehicle and even let it storm into groups of enemies equipped with C4. However, strafing and EMP weapons make short work of him.

How vehicle spawns work: Battlefield 2042 offers a mix of traditional systems and the call-in. Players will still launch directly into air vehicles such as jets or helicopters from the spawn screen, but can now also request land vehicles via a tablet, which are then dropped.

The call-in system has its limits: Which vehicles can be dropped by parachute depends on the mode, the map and a special point budget of the own team. In addition, the call-in goes on a cool-down once the player has placed an order. For example, if you choose the Ranger, you also give up a tank or a jeep.

Easy target: A call-in vehicle can still be destroyed in the air.
Easy target: A call-in vehicle can still be destroyed in the air.

Vehicles depend on faction: In Battlefield 2042, the available vehicles and aircraft depend on which side of the No-Pats you play on. If you need a refresher, read our overview of who No-Pats are and which factions are facing off against each other. So, for example, while the Russian side has T28s (fictional successors to the Armata tank) rolling in, the US has M1A5 tanks, apparently based on the famous Abrams.

No naval battles at launch: The developers confirm amphibious vehicles such as hovercrafts, but there is no focus on battleships or maritime warfare at release. However, DICE confirms that they want to listen carefully to the community’s feedback and are thinking about corresponding content in the future.

KI soldiers in Battlefield 2042

There is also new info on the bots, which this time are supposed to replace the traditional solo campaign and at the same time fill up multiplayer matches. Here are the most important facts about the AI players.

Solo and co-op options: Those who want to do without PvP completely or simply train a bit can do so with bots. Players can compete against bots in the regular game modes at any time alone or in co-op with friends. However, this is not possible offline: an internet connection is also required in solo mode.

Bots in multiplayer: If there are not enough players on the server, it will be filled with AI soldiers. In regular multiplayer, bots cannot be switched off. However, real players are always preferred in matchmaking, so that no or as few bots as possible are needed. On a 128-player server with 120 active users, 8 bots are automatically added.

Bots do not use Specialist abilities such as the tactical shield (pictured left).
Bots do not use Specialist abilities such as the tactical shield (pictured left).

Bots are not Specialists: While AI comrades are supposed to be able to use the call-in system, control vehicles, throw grenades, revive teammates and perform flank attacks, they are not Specialists. Accordingly, they do not use any special abilities such as the wingsuit, Recon drones, grappling hooks or the like.

When will there finally be more gameplay?
The next big stop on the way to the launch of Battlefield 2042 is the EA Play Live on 22 July – we will of course follow the event for and with you!

The main thing to be revealed there is the still-secret game mode that DICE L.A. (now known as Ripple Effect) is developing.