Battlefield 2042: Patch Notes for Update 2 are here, all changes at a glance


With Update 2 Battlefield 2042 addresses balance issues and bugs. We have all the info, patch notes and download size for you.

This patch is meant to be a step on the road to reconciliation: Battlefield 2042 releases Update 2 on Thursday, lots of fixes for pesky issues, and lays the groundwork for the huge Update 3 coming in early December.

All info on Update 2

When can you download the update? Patch 0.2.2 will be available from Thursday 25 November 2021 at 9am. This date applies equally to all platforms.

How big is the download? The download size on PC is up to 4.14 GB, on Steam only 1.2 GB is due in some cases. According to players, the update is also around 1 GB on consoles.

The most important changes at a glance

  • Bloom / Bullet Spread: EA weakens the random spread with many weapons. From now on you should hit where you aim, especially with Assault Rifles, especially with single shots or short volleys. The accuracy of shooting while zooming in or while aiming while running has been improved. Shotguns are excluded.
  • Vehicles: Both the LCAA Hovercraft and the MD540 Nightbird will become slightly weaker in terms of their armour. They should then be easier to defeat – many players felt the vehicles were too strong.
  • Revive bug fixed: After update 2 you will hopefully never again be stuck dying in the endless loop. The developers have fixed the underlying bug that sometimes prevented teammates from reviving you and your timer from running out
  • UAV-1 is back: The drone was deactivated in Portal because there were problems with interaction and it was far too overpowered. Now it’s back on the maps from Bad Company 2

Battlefield Patch Notes for Update 0.2.2

The scattering of bullets has been reduced for all weapons except shotguns. This should result in better accuracy during play.
The vertical recoil of the PP-29 has been increased to ensure that the weapon does not over perform when used outside of its intended combat range.

  • Fixed an issue where players killed near obstacles such as walls or water could not be revived.
  • Fixed instances where players were stuck in a down state and could not get back up. We also introduced a hidden timer that activates after 30 seconds in a down state, forcing a realignment when needed.
  • MD540 Nightbird mounted 20mm cannons – we reduce the radius in which the projectiles do damage on impact and reduce their splash damage.
  • Reduce the blast radius from 3 to 2
  • Reduce inner blast radius damage from 1.5 to 0.75

KA-520 Super Hokum – 30mm Cannon (Side Mount) – We reduce the overall damage and range at which projectiles do full damage while increasing the overall dispersion of projectiles.

  • Reduced blast radius from 2 to 1.6
  • Reduced blast damage from 20 to 14
  • Reduced bullet damage before Damage Fall Off begins from 18 to 15
  • Reduced distance of Damage Fall Off from 200 to 180
  • Reduced Damage Fall Off distance of bullet from 8 to 6
  • Increased bullet range and dispersion

AH-64GX Apache Warchief and KA-520 Super Hokum – 30mm Cannon – we reduce the radius at which the projectiles do damage on impact and reduce their splash damage.

  • Reduce Splash Damage from 20 to 18
  • Increased damage drop to enemies further away from the centre of impact of the projectile

We have reduced the total damage of the minigun for all land vehicles, also the damage drop of the projectiles now starts earlier.

  • Reduced bullet damage before Damage Fall Off begins from 18 to 13
  • Reduction of Damage Fall Off from 60 to 40
  • Reduction of bullet damage at maximum fall-off distance to 6

Adjusted the armour type of the LCAA Hovercraft, increasing its vulnerability to various weapon types

  • Battlefield Portal – UAV-1
  • The UAV-1 has been re-enabled in Battlefield Portal
  • Significantly reduced health regeneration delay and speed
  • Increased missile damage against vehicles and infantry
  • The drone can now kill enemies on the road
  • Breakthrough matches now end correctly after the last sector has been conquered.

Fixed an issue that caused players queuing for a match in Battlefield Portal to be sent back to the menu instead of joining the match when a spot became available.

  • General stability improvements to prevent rare game crashes