Battlefield 2042 shows 90 seconds of new gameplay

Battlefield 2042 New gameplay

Fresh gameplay scenes from BF2042 show four specialists showing off their skills and third-person takedowns from the upcoming first-person shooter for the first time.

Battlefield 2042 finally shows new gameplay. There’s only 90 seconds of video to see, but it’s packed with action. You get to know four specialists better, see their abilities and also experience the new third-person animations for melee takedowns in action for the first time.

Here you can find the complete trailer with the new gameplay scenes:

The trailer shows these specialists

In Battlefield 2042 you can go into battle as special units with special abilities. Four of these experts are now shown in more detail in the new gameplay trailer, after the well-known and popular Kimble “Irish” Graves was already introduced in the short film for BF2042. There is also a gameplay trailer of Irish:

These specialists are now introduced in the new trailer:

Webster Mackay: The Canadian belongs to the Assault class and has the Nimble trait, which gives him special agility when aiming and ziplining. Fittingly, he wields a tactical grappling hook, which was already shown in the first gameplay trailer of Battlefield 2042:

Maria Falck: The German is part of the support class and heals wounded teammates from a safe distance with her syringe gun. She also shocks downed soldiers back to life with the defibrillator at full power, thanks to the Trait Combat Surgeon.

Pyotr “Boris” Guskovsky: The Russian is an engineer and drags a Sentry Turret onto the battlefield that automatically targets and attacks enemies. With the Sentry Operator trait, Boris automatically improves the turret’s efficiency when standing nearby.

Wikus “Casper” Van Daele: The South African operates the Recon class, scouting the perimeter with his flying drone, taking out enemy electronics and using a motion sensor trait to watch his back.

Read everything you know so far in our clear info collection on BF2042.