Battlefield 7 must “convince with gameplay scenes, not with words,” says the lead developer


After a series of disappointing games, Battlefield fans are quite critical of part 7. However, the lead developer has now given some hope.

After Battlefield 2042, former fans of the series are quite skeptical. However, the lead developer of the next installment has now given some players hope.

The Youtuber and Streamer Enders hasn’t had many positive things to say about Battlefield in recent years. So he was all the more surprised when the lead developer David Sirland of Battlefield 7 got in touch with him.

Not only did he respond to his posts on X, the co-creator of Battlefield 4 spent almost 20 minutes talking to him on Twitch – and with his words, he even gave the always critical Enders some hope.

What happened?

Industry insider Tom Henderson reported a few days ago that some content creators could already be playing the next Battlefield title. Enders was then asked several times by his community whether he had also been invited by EA.

Due to his open and detailed criticism of the last Battlefield games, he did not expect to ever work with the development studio Dice and shared this on X. To his surprise, the otherwise rather reserved David Sirland replied to his post: He shouldn’t be so sure about it.

But the lead developer didn’t leave it at that and responded to numerous questions from the community in the post. The following statement was particularly promising for players:

I think I’ve said this about a Battlefield title before – it’s necessary to convince through gameplay – not through words or promises. All in good time.

As if that wasn’t unusual enough, Sirland identified herself in the chat during Enders’ next Twitch stream. The two of them talked this way and, among other things, discussed features from past parts that were particularly well received by fans. In an

After the conversation, the general feeling was… it somehow gave me hope. And that’s not a word that comes out of my mouth very often.

These are significant words for one of the biggest critics of the series, but as Sirland said, promises are not enough. The CEO of EA fell flat on his face last year when the reactions to his big words were not particularly positive.

Incidentally, the Battlefield veteran has worked on a number of spin-offs such as Battlefield 4, but he was not employed by Dice on 2042. Sirland has been back since December 2022 and is working as the lead developer on number 7. Feel free to share in the comments whether you have hopes for Battlefield or whether you think the series has reached an impasse!