Blade Runner 2033: LABYRINTH – After the Replicants, the Deluge


For the first time, Annapurna Interactive ventures into development itself and presents Blade Runner 2033: LABYRINTH. Set in this iconic sci-fi universe, there is an exciting story to tell.

As a publisher, Annapurna Interactive has been involved in some indie gems. Through What Remains of Edith Finch, Twelve Minutes, Outer Wilds, Maquette, Stray and many more, Annapurna has proven to have a real flair for good games.
Now the Los Angeles-based company is trying its hand at game development. For its debut work, the company has chosen an iconic sci-fi universe in which there is still a lot to tell. But the best thing you can do is throw a trailer at Blade Runner 2022 yourself: LABYRINTH.

Set between the 1982 first film and its 2017 sequel, Blade Runner 2033: LABYRINTH delves into the events following Black Out.
With the replicants eliminated, the Blade Runners have become de facto unemployed as hunters of them. But one Blade Runner is apparently called back into service to solve a mystery in the past.

Blade Runner 2033: LABYRINTH will be released at an as yet unannounced date for PC and consoles. Those who already want to add the title to their wishlist can also check out Annapurna Interactive’s big Publisher Sale. By the way, news about Stray was also revealed during the Annapurna Showcase.