Bloodlines 2: News coming at PAX West


New information about Vampire – The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 is finally coming soon. Fans and interested parties can look forward to new insights at PAX West.

It’s been a long time since Paradox Interactive provided us with news about Bloodlines 2. The last major information dates back to 2021, when developer Hardsuit Labs took care of the role-playing game. Who has been entrusted with the development of the title since then will probably also remain a secret for a few more days.

As the latest tweet from the Bloodlines 2 account shows, however, fans won’t have to endure much longer in uncertainty. Because during the gaming trade fair PAX West in Bellevue (Washington) news about the game is supposed to be announced.
Since the fair takes place from September 1 to 4 , Paradox is even keeping its promise from July. At that time, the publisher had announced to unveil more info about the title in September.

We will keep you informed about the latest updates for Bloodlines 2. You can find out more in the Overview.