Call of Duty – Cheat software evolves and bypasses Ricochet Anti-Cheat


The cheats in Call of Duty are evolving and are apparently able to actively combat the anti-cheat software Ricochet

Both the anti-cheat software and the cheats themselves have evolved over the years. At the moment, it even looks as if the banned cheat programs could be switched off as soon as Ricochet poses a threat.

A problem right from the start

Cheating has plagued the Call of Duty series for years and has repeatedly led to frustrating experiences within the community. Since the beginnings of Warzone in 2020, the use of aimbots and wallhacks has unfortunately often been the order of the day and has hardly decreased since then, despite the anti-cheat Ricochet

In the meantime, it got so bad that thousands of users turned their backs on the game and it became almost unplayable due to the rampant cheating.

It wasn’t until the end of 2021 that the developers finally took action and took up the fight against cheaters. Ricochet, an anti-cheat system developed specifically for CoD, should finally solve the problem

For a while it did so, sometimes more, sometimes less successfully. However, it wasn’t long before cheat developers found ways to circumvent the system and it was even possible to crash entire lobbies.

“We’ve been able to do that since Black Ops 2”

Despite millions in fines and waves of bans in Call of Duty the cheat makers continue undeterred and ensure that Warzone in particular becomes unbearable for thousands of players.

It has now been revealed that the cheat software is now able to automatically shut itself down as soon as an investigation by the anti-cheat software Ricochet is threatened and even “cleans” screenshots taken by the software to hide the cheats.

If enough players report a suspicious account for cheating, Ricochet will begin taking screenshots of the possible hacker’s gameplay to gather evidence.

However, some of the cheat tools can recognize when a screenshot is being taken and disable the cheats for a millisecond to prevent the player from being caught and possibly banned.

While this should come as shocking news to most players, the cheat companies on X meanwhile claim that this has been the norm since Black Ops 2 and that they have been fooling Ricochet for years. This practice is even said to go so far that the software is able to “clean up” screenshots.

It is still unclear whether Activision and Ricochet are aware that hackers can actively bypass the anti-cheat software or not. Unfortunately, at the moment it seems that the cheat manufacturers are ahead of the game