Cheating is part of the strategy in this tournament – streamer is outraged


Stream sniping seems to be a legal tool in Sea of Thieves tournaments. One internationally known streamer is upset about this practice.

The well-known Twitch streamer Jaryd “summit1g” Lazar took part in a tournament in Sea of Thieves, where a prize money of 35,000 US dollars was at stake. There, stream sniping seems to be a legitimate means to achieve victory. However, the streamer is more than annoyed about it.

The Twitch star summit1g is one of the biggest streamers on the platform and plays a wide variety of games, including the action adventure Sea of Thieves. On 1 April, a tournament took place in this multiplayer game. Participants had to solve various tasks in order to win at the end. Apparently, some players did not shy away from cheating.

Some participants sent their own viewers to other streams to collect information and pass it on afterwards. However, such stream sniping does not seem to be forbidden by the operators of the tournament. Moreover, it was not allowed to start the livestream with a delay in order to avoid possible stream sniping.

The organiser of the tournament even seems to be willing this kind of cheating without consequences. According to a message sent to streamer summit1g, the operator said it would be “another element of the tournament.” However, not every team seems to have known about it and what is or is not even allowed in the tournament.

“I’ve never seen a tournament that allows all kinds of information to be collected through the streams,” summit1g expresses surprise and anger at the same time. “If we had been informed about this beforehand, I would have asked questions first. I’m not a cheater,” the US American is upset about the methods in the tournament.