Cheats for Stalker 2: With God Mode, infinite money and item IDs, you’ll be invincible in the zone


The console commands for Stalker 2 can be activated with a trick. We’ll show you how to use cheats to lower the difficulty level or start hanging quests.

It doesn’t have to be God Mode right away: There are many reasons to use cheats in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl games.

Whether you need to spawn quest items for broken missions, fly or teleport to inaccessible places, or simply want infinite ammo and money: The Stalker 2 cheat console will help.

However, there is a short installation routine to follow before you can start cheating, because you need a debug console for Unreal Engine 5.But we promise you that downloading and installing will be painless!

Stalker 2 Cheats: How to install UETools

To activate the console commands, you need the free Nexusmods download UETools – Developer Console. Debugging Then follow the installation instructions:

  • Unzip the UETools zip file.
  • Navigate to the installation folder of Stalker 2 and then to the subfolder “..Stalker2ContentPaks”.
  • Move all UETools files to the “~mods” subfolder there. If it does not exist, you have to create it first.

After starting the game, you can open the console by pressing F10 (alternatively: ^ directly under the Escape key). If you don’t fancy using cheats, there are other ways to get rich in the game:

The most important console commands for Stalker 2

With UE tools, you can enter a number of commands to manipulate the game. We have made a pre-selection for this guide. Alternatively, you can enter “UETools_Help” in the console and confirm with Enter to get a complete list.

  • Invincible: “XSetGodMode true” (to disable: “XSetGodMode false”)

  • More Money:“XAddMoneyToPlayer Y” (where Y is any number)

  • Fly:“UETools_Fly” (to disable: “UETools_Walk”)

  • No Clipping: “UETools_Ghost” (to disable: “UETools_Walk”)

  • Kill all nearby enemies: “XKillThemAll”

  • No friendly fire:“XSVFriendlyFire false” (to activate: “XSVFriendlyFire true”)

  • Stop emission:“XStopEmission”

  • 4K screenshot without UI:“UETools_PromoScreenshot 3” (you can find the images in the directory “C:UsersUsernameAppDataStalker2SavedScreenshots”)

  • Q

    • Change ingame time: “XSetGameTime X Y Z” (X stands for hours, Y for minutes, Z for seconds)

    Codes for equipment and items

    You need more ammo or want a different weapon without having to search for it first? The cheat console for Stalker 2 can help.

    With the command “XCreateItemInInventoryByID X Y Z V” you can beam the desired item directly into your backpack. The variables are to be adjusted as follows:

    X ID of the item
    Y always 0
    Z Quantity of the item
    V Item durability, 1 for 100 percent durability, otherwise between 0.1 and 0.9 for values from 10 to 90 percent

    For the (several hundred) item IDs, we once again refer you to the complete Steam guide. Here are a few highlights:

    ID Gegenstand
    FArtifactRingOmnipotence Hypercube (Artefact)
    AArtifactWeirdBolt Weird Bolt (Artefakt)
    GArtifactCompass Compass (Artefakt)
    HeavyExoskeleton_Varta_Armor PSZ-21W Shturm (Armor)
    HeavyAnomaly_Monolith_Armor Conundrum Suit (Armor)
    SEVA_Spark_Armor Seva-I Suit (Armor)
    GuardGunKharod_ST Kharod Assault Rifle (Weapon)
    GuardGunSPSA_SG SPSA Shotgun (weapon)
    GuardGunSVU_SP SVU Sniper Rifle (Waffe)

    Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl was released on November 20, 2024. The first-person shooter from developer GSC Game World has had a turbulent history, partly due to the effects of the war in Ukraine. Several huge patches have since fixed hundreds of bugs and added features such as the initially disabled AI feature A-Life 2.0.