Cities: Skylines 2 is coming! First trailer and info on the long-awaited construction game


An announcement was already suspected in advance, now it’s official. Cities: Skylines 2 is supposed to surpass its predecessor in many respects.

Almost eight years after the release of Cities: Skylines, publisher Paradox Entertainment has finally announced a successor to the building game. There is no concrete release date for Cities: Skylines 2 yet, but the title is scheduled for release in 2023 for the PC, Xbox Series X/S and Playstation 5. In the next few months, we can expect to see a lot more new information and additional trailers.

What do we know about Cities: Skylines 2?

As part of the unveiling of the new construction game, there was already a first trailer to see, which you can watch right here:

But aside from the pretty pictures, was there any solid info as far as the features of Cities: Skylines 2 are concerned? At the announcement, the developers were still holding back with more precise details, but some interesting info is still coming together:

  • Release: In case you missed it in the introduction, the building game is still to be released 2023 but an exact date has not been announced yet.
  • Gameplay: Cities: Skylines 2 wants to offer the most realistic city simulation of all time and relies on elements that we already know from the predecessor. Not only are individual households and the economy of your metropolis elaborately simulated, but also the traffic with cars, buses, trains and more.
  • Modding and customisability: The construction game wants to offer you many design and building options so that you can build the city of your dreams. Player-created mods are also expected to be supported again from the start.

That’s all we know so far about the potential construction hit Cities: Skylines 2. As soon as there is news about the game, you can of course find it immediately with us.

Are you happy about the announcement of Cities: Skylines 2, or could you still play the predecessor for a few years? What features would you like to see in the new building game, and what should it do differently? Feel free to write us in the comments!