Cities: Skylines 2 launches without a popular feature that was standard in its predecessor


There are no bikes in the city-building game at launch. Many fans are not thrilled, but developer Colossal Order is hopeful for the future

Disappointing news for all those who would have liked to build bike lanes in Cities: Skylines 2: The city-building game will launch on 24 October 2023 without bicycles. This was announced by the developers in response to a fan’s enquiry. But they let slip that they could be added in the future.

Still there in part 1, in part 2 … maybe

Twitter user VirtualGamerIN asked the developers why there are so few bikes in the Cities: Skylines 2 trailer (actually none, let us know if you spot any). “Did you forget something or are you hiding something from us?”.

The clear answer also came via Twitter:

Unfortunately, we won’t have bikes at release, but we haven’t forgotten about them. Let’s see what the future holds once the game is released and we develop it further.

This sounds a lot like an upcoming bike DLC, doesn’t it? Also (on Reddit) fans are having discussions about it right now. Some fear having to pay for the feature that was included out of the box in the predecessor. Others hope that wheels and bike paths will come as a free update.

     CS2 will not have bicycles at launch
by     u/danbywinby in     CitiesSkylines  

User Saint-The-Stig hopes that at least a more complex system will be integrated to make cycling more credible:

I hope they reintroduce bikes as an evolved system. Right now they’re pretty OP since they’re really the best at everything, which is kinda fair considering how good they are in reality. But in CS1, you can just put some unprotected bike lanes on the main 6 lane arterial and cims will happily ride alongside traffic.

It would be nice if it was a bit more complex, like the attractiveness of bike lanes depending on traffic volumes and transit options. For example, bike capacity on trains and trams. You could have a bike car that can carry fewer people but more bikes. Maybe you could also include cargo bikes for some deliveries for which that would be useful.

What do you think of the lack of bikes in Cities Skylines 2? Are they important to you for the most realistic cityscape possible or would you not have even noticed the feature missing at launch? Would you buy a DLC with bike lanes and infrastructure or would you only be interested in it as a free update?