Civilization 7: In less than 100 rounds, a pro leverages the big new feature – with unexpected consequences


Of all people, the peace icon Confucius destroys an advanced game in Civ 7.

Oh, man, what are you doing, Confucius?! Now look what you’ve done! Do you have to do that? Who’s going to clean up the mess? Seriously, we never would have thought this of you!

You’re probably wondering why we’re trashing Confucius of all people, a man who stands for harmony and balance like no other. It’s simple: because he’s ruined Civilization 7! We’ll explain how the otherwise calm contemporary went about doing that.

Civ-7-player-created Anti-Food

Civilization 7 comes with a whole range of sometimes major, sometimes minor changes compared to its predecessor. One of the major innovations is the ability to combine different leaders, civilizations, and wonders of the world, along with their individual bonuses.

On the YouTube channel sponsored by publisher 2K One More Turn the pro gamer Drongo has made use of this possibility. In a new video, he demonstrates how he breaks the game logic of Civ 7 by combining Confucius as a leader with the Khmer people.

What does the pro do in detail? By combining Confucius and Khmer, Drongo enjoys massive bonuses to food and city growth. In his game, he plays specifically to increase and optimize these bonuses even further:

  • Confucius grants +25 percent growth rate in cities
  • The Khmer civilization’s unique ability prevents city districts from removing the natural yield of a playing field, which means that they can expand a city without sacrificing food.
  • The Khmer Baray Improvement increases the food in all river districts in a settlement.
  • The Khmer Chakravarti Civic additionally increases the growth rate in the capital.
  • Drongo has selected several leader attributes for Confucius that further increase growth and food production.
  • He has specialized all his cities in agriculture.

What exactly is happening? As early as round 76, Drongo’s empire is producing 263.5 food per turn – and counting! This causes growth to suddenly come to an abrupt end from round 98 onwards.

The cause: The game can no longer process the bonuses correctlyand suddenly -1,112 food is due for a new resident – a negative value, in other words, that undoes all the game progress. So Civ 7 quickly invents anti-food– diet experts hate this trick!

Fans aren’t worried, quite the opposite.

Now, you might expect the other Civ fans in the comments section below the video to be screaming in concern that Civilization 7 is full of serious bugs.

But that’s not the case at all.In fact, many users are happy that the game offers so many optionsand that any bugs are found before release.

This is how the user gunnergoz writes, for example:

In a way, I’m glad when players break a game before release in this way , because it means they’ve played it extensively, they’ve noticed that something is going wrong, and they’re passing their discoveries on to the production team so that we get a cleaner game, hopefully with fixes. Hats off!

And xlr20ice means:

These combinations really show the strength of the separation of leader and civilization. There are so many different paths with the leaders, peoples, governments, etc.

Since the video, as already mentioned, is a video approved by the publisher, the Civ developer studio Firaxis should already be aware of this bug. So there is a good chance that Confucius won’t be able to cause such havoc in the release version. We hope so for the old boy, otherwise we’ll have to have a serious word with him!