COD: No more helicopters in Warzone


With the latest playlist update for the Modern Warfare multiplayer came some unexpected changes. The community is dissatisfied.

Many players do not understand why the helicopters were removed from the Battle Royale mode. Especially on Twitter many people are very critical. But the new patch has a clear goal: Unfair methods should no longer be usable.

Because with the helicopters it is possible to slip under the map and make yourself invulnerable. Since the developers are apparently still looking for a solution to the problem, they had to remove the means of transport for now.

Shipment is coming back
But besides the big news there are also some changes the community is happy about. With the new playlists, the new “Shipment 24/7” mode will be introduced, in which players are permanently under adrenaline and every second it cracks and rattles in every corner.

The mode is accordingly well suited for leveling equipment or collecting gameplay with an extremely high number of kills. All other changes can be found in the developers’ tweet:

Many players are also currently complaining about unstable servers and lags. However, these seem to occur only sporadically. Infinity Ward is working on the problems, but no patch is in sight at this time.