CoD Warzone 2 Map Tips: The 6 best landing spots for loot, XP, battles.


Loot, rest, action: our map guide for Al Mazrah reveals where to find the best landing spots in Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0

The drop over Al Mazrah in CoD Warzone 2 is coming up and everyone is waiting for their squad mate to mark the drop spot. Of course, if you”re at the controls in Battle Royale, you”ll be at a loss as a newbie. Where are the best landing spots in Al Mazrah?

Don”t worry, we”ll help you. In this guide we present six places in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 where it”s worth landing. Whether it”s for the best loot and weapons to make you competitive and dangerous in no time, or for the most combat experience and XP, we”ve got you covered.

The best landing spots on Al Mazrah

First we show you our map, where we colour-code our jump location recommendations:

(The darker the red, the higher player probability, the greener the potentially calmer the environment.)
(The darker the red, the higher player probability, the greener the potentially calmer the environment.)

Most players orient themselves towards the centre of the map each round, as this is often the best position for closing circles. But thanks to vehicles, remote locations are also often worth the effort because there is less competition there.

That”s why we also start with outlying areas, where relatively few players often end up, before venturing into the really dangerous areas.


Like Verdansk, Al Mazrah is also home to a quarry, and there”s plenty of loot, weapons and money to be had there too. Certainly not as much as in more heavily frequented regions, but always enough to equip a four-man squad sufficiently.

After landing, it is best to search the numerous warehouses in the vicinity. If necessary, take on a quick job to earn some money so that you can fill any gaps in your loadout.

From the Quarry you can see how the coven is developing and then plan your next steps. There are plenty of cars and other vehicles around the quarry.


In the marshes directly south of the large city of Al Mazrah City you will land very centrally, but still often get relative peace from other players. Most land in the city and leave the Marshlands alone for the time being.

But the landing spot offers more than just soaked socks. In the dilapidated luxury resort you will find loot boxes with weapons, armour, killstreaks and the like. Money is also lying around. A few missions can close your financial hole if necessary, so that you can complete your loadout at the buying station.

If you are satisfied so far, you can walk on from the Marshlands directly north towards the city to track down a few enemies. Or to get hold of even better loot, but then with the appropriate amount of risk.


You might know the map Zarqwa Hydroelectric from the multiplayer of CoD Modern Warfare 2. The hydroelectric power station in the middle of old ruins supplies the area with electricity and offers many tricky sight lines during battles.

If you want to land directly there, you”re not only very centrally located and have chances of getting good loot, you”ll probably also have to fight other player teams. Also because the map is one of the most popular in multiplayer, warzone players like to fight there.

Therefore, Hydroelectric is especially worthwhile if you are looking for action and want to earn a lot of XP through kills. And who knows, maybe you”ll come out on top in the end and be able to leave with a bulging backpack.

Al Mazrah City

Now it”s getting busy: In the largest city of Al Mazrah, there is really a lot going on in every round. Nevertheless, we wouldn”t call it the deadliest place on the map. The simple reason for this is that the many buildings offer enough cover and fast weapons for strong players to defend themselves.

Top loot, orders, vehicles, buying stations, possibly strongholds: Al Mazrah City offers the complete cross-section of Call of Duty: Warzone 2. In addition, here in the central north of the map you are in a good starting position for the rest of the round.

A few high-rise buildings are also good landing spots for snipers. With a bit of luck you can find a sniper rifle here and search the surroundings for enemies. You shouldn”t be short of experience points after a few minutes of fierce urban combat.


The Zaya Observatory high up on the highest mountain of the whole map possibly already gives a foretaste of the return of a classic map. The layout is very similar to the Dome map. The area is characterised by numerous domes and buildings.

There”s plenty of good loot, missions, vehicles, you name it. But you should also expect dozens of other players. After all, the landing spot is not only worthwhile because of the weapons and co. – the altitude allows a great view for snipers. And there is no place more central than the observatory.

Those who prevail here have the best prerequisites for a royal victory. For everyone else, there should at least be some quick combat XP in it.


No BR map without an airport: At Al Malik Airport, players will not only find a new edition of the popular map Terminal, but also loot, weapons and money without end. Whoever jumps off here knows that the place is about to burn.

Accordingly, many other players will try to steal your stuff. Next to the main building, the terminal hall, there is a large airfield full of wrecked vehicles and bomb craters. Snipers can take up positions in the tower.

At Al Mazrah airport you also have a helicopter spawn. If you are fast and bold enough, you can attempt a daring exit by air with your squad after landing. Decoys will then help against possible missile fire.

What are your favourite landing spots in CoD Warzone 2.0 and why? Feel free to post them in the comments!