Collabs in the new Steam hit Holocure: overview with all combos and how they work


We show you all the collabs in Holocure, what effect they have and how you can build them.

Holocure is currently conquering Steam: The completely free-to-play and no hidden costs Vampire Survivors clone stands at over 35,000 players at the same time and 99 percent positive Steam reviews only a few hours after its release.

Holocure is now available on Steam.

Just like in the original, you can equip new weapons by leveling up and then upgrade them. Once you have two at the highest level, you can merge them into collabs and create a powerful superweapon.

We show you all the collabs in Holocure 0.6 and explain how they work.

How Collabs work in Holocure

Once you have levelled up at least two of your weapons to level 7, you can find a golden anvil that is dropped randomly by enemies. You can then select two weapons from the anvil to upgrade them to a particularly strong collab weapon.

Little tip: After you have unlocked the function in the shop, you can enchant your weapons with enchantments – but only with one per weapon. This also applies to collabs. However, if you upgrade two weapons with enchantments to one collab weapon, it will take both enchantments.

This is what the Collabs can do

We list all 23 collabs from Holocure version 0.6. If a weapon description particularly appeals to you, you can then find out in the next section which weapons are used to build the collab weapon.

  • Absolute Wall: The weapon summons four permanent walls around the player that deal damage and knockback on contact.
  • BL Fujoshi: The weapon enhances the properties of the two weapons on which it is based, creating two rings of books and axes that permanently rotate around the player, with the axes rotating at a greater distance.
  • Bone Bros.: The weapon rapidly fires volleys of broad slashing attacks in the targeted direction while simultaneously firing a series of shots in the opposite direction.
  • Breathe-In Type Asacoco: The weapon throws bombs at random locations around the player, causing large explosions on impact.
  • Broken Dreams: The weapon creates a bubble shield around the player that constantly damages and slows enemies in its radius and also sends a rain of damaging tears all over the screen.
  • Dragon Fire: The weapon hurls a continuous stream of flame in the targeted direction, dealing massive sustained damage to enemies within it.
  • Eldritch Horror: The weapon creates a massive vortex among enemies at regular intervals, continuously damaging and slowing them. If an enemy is defeated within the vortex, there is also a chance that the player will regain a random amount of HP, which can be up to 5% of their maximum HP.
  • Elite Cooking: The weapon creates large puddles of miasma at random locations on the screen at regular intervals, continuously dealing damage to all enemies within.
  • Flattening Board: The weapon drops massive cutting boards from above, crushing enemies on impact.
  • Frozen Sea: The weapon surrounds the player with a permanent ring of damaging books that independently fire rapid ice shards at targets, dealing extra damage and slowing them down.
  • Idol Concert: This weapon throws 8 glow sticks in a ring pattern around the player that explode into musical notes after a certain distance, dealing damage to all enemies hit.
  • I’m Die; Thank You Forever: This weapon drops bombs that connect to the target on contact but initially do little damage. When a target is defeated with a bomb attached, the bomb explodes, shaking the screen and dealing massive repeated damage to all enemies within a wide radius.
  • Light Beam: The weapon throws several glow sticks around the player, which explode into targeted laser beams after a certain time.
  • MiComet: This weapon throws three meteors at random locations at regular intervals, which cause high impact damage and also leave behind puddles of lava that continuously damage enemies who step on them.
  • MiKorone: The weapon causes several flaming potatoes to hit random locations on the screen at regular intervals. All enemies hit are ignited, taking damage over time and leaving puddles of lava as they move, which deal additional damage over time to enemies standing on them.
  • Rap Dog: The weapon quickly throws large potatoes that bounce across the screen, weakening all enemies hit and causing them to take 20 percent more damage from all sources.
  • Ring of Fitness: The weapon ejects dense rings of balls that can bounce off enemies and terrain.
  • Snow Flower Sake: The weapon ejects several bottles that create large snowflake-shaped explosions on impact. Enemies hit by these have a 30% chance of being frozen for ~2 seconds, immobilising them and causing them to take constant damage for the duration of the explosion
  • Stream of Tears: The weapon creates two permanent, counterclockwise tear beams that rotate around the player, dealing continuous damage on contact.
  • Crescent Bardiche: The weapon creates a large halberd that swings in the direction you aim to deal damage, and shooting stars fall on hit enemies for additional damage.
  • Curse Ball: The weapon creates up to three large, stationary balls that send out pulses of damage in a small radius. When the character comes into contact with a ball, it is flung away, bouncing off walls and dealing damage to all enemies it runs over until the balls come to a stop.
  • Legendary Sausage: This weapon creates a long, white sausage that the character holds in their hand that slowly spins to deal damage. When the character moves, the sausage spins faster and faster until it disappears.
  • Lightning Wiener: Shoots up to three glowing sausages that target enemies and create lightning bolts that deal damage when they come into contact with them.

These are all the collabs in Holocure 0.6

  • Absolute Wall: Bounce Ball + Cutting Board
  • BL Fujoshi: BL Book + Psycho Axe
  • Bone Bros.: Cutting Board + EN’s Cure
  • Breathe-In Type Asacoco: Holo Bomb + Plug Type Asacoco
  • Broken Dreams: CEO’s Tears + Spider Cooking
  • Dragon Fire: Fan Beam + Plg Type Asacoco
  • Eldritch Horror: EN’s Curse + Spider Cooking
  • Elite Cooking: Elite Lava Bucket + Spider Cooking
  • Flattening Board: Cutting Board + Holo Bomb
  • Frozen Sea: BL Book + Wamy Water
  • Idol Concert: Glowstick +Idol Song
  • I’m Die; Thank You Forever: Holo Bomb + X-Potato
  • Light Beam: Fan Beam + Glowstick
  • MiComet: Elite Lava Bucket + Psycho Axe
  • MiKorone: Elite Lava Bucket + X-Potato
  • Rap Dog: Idol Song + X-Potato
  • Ring of Fitness: Bounce Ball + CEO’s Tears
  • Snow Flower Sake: Glowstick + Wamy Water
  • Stream of Tears: CEO’s Tears + Fan Beam
  • Crescent Bardiche: Idol Song + Psycho Axe
  • Curse Ball: Bounce Ball + EN’s Curse
  • Legendary Sausage: BL Book + Sausage
  • Lightning Wiener: Plug Type Asacoco + Sausage