Company of Heroes 3: All 4 factions and what makes them special


Company of Heroes 3 will have more factions at release than its two predecessors. There will be four different ones in total. Here we list them all and explain what makes them special

Company of Heroes 3 will be the biggest Company of Heroes ever. At least that”s what the developers say. But why not? Everything we know so far about the World War II strategy game backs up this statement.

There will definitely be more units. Moreover, CoH 3 will get a classic story operation for single players in addition to a huge sandbox campaign. And CoH 3 covers two different theatres of war at once: North Africa and Italy.

But of course the size of Company of Heroes 3 is also reflected in the number of playable factions. There will only be four of them at release, but that”s twice as many as in the two predecessors. Here you can find out which factions are available and what distinguishes them.

Of course, bigger is not always better – one of the reasons why there is reason for concern!

The US Forces

In CoH 3, the US Forces are back from the beginning. The US Forces belong to the more offensive factions and try to overrun their opponents with high production. They can produce very efficiently, especially at the beginning of the game, and thus gain an advantage. In addition, this faction is considered extremely mobile and can cleverly combine different types of units. This makes the US Forces very flexible and they can effectively adapt their tactics during each battle phase.

These are the units of the US Forces


  • Scout Squad
  • Engineer Squad
  • Captain Retinue
  • Rifleman Squad
  • Mortar Team (81mm)
  • Heavy Machine Gun Team (.30 cal)
  • Bazooka Squad
  • Sniper
  • Paratrooper Squad
  • SSF Commando Squad
  • Pathfinder Squads
  • M1919 Browning Machine Gun Team


  • Willys MB Jeep
  • M31 Recovery Vehicle
  • M29 Weasel
  • M3 Armored Personnel Carrier
  • M8 Greyhound
  • M8 Scott
  • M24 Chaffee
  • M4A1 Sherman
  • M18 Hellcat
  • Bulldozer M4(105) Sherman
  • M4A1 Sherman Whizbang


  • M1 Anti-Tank Gun Team (57mm)

The British Forces

These are the units of the British Forces

At least in the sandbox campaign, the British Army is said to be best suited for beginners. But that”s not because the British can”t keep up with the rest. But they are real all-rounders and thus offer the simplest introduction to this strategy game. In the real-time battles, the British are mainly skilled in defence, but thanks to their multi-faceted techtree, they can also adapt well to new circumstances. The British also have a considerable arsenal of various artillery pieces.


  • Sappers
  • Vickers Heavy Machine Gun Team (.30 cal)
  • Infantry Section
  • Mortar Team (81mm)
  • Gurkha Rifles
  • Coldstream Guards


  • Dingo Light Armoured Vehicle
  • Humber Armoured Vehicle
  • CWT 15
  • Bishop Self-Propelled Artillery
  • Stuart Light Tank
  • Valentine Medium Tank
  • M4A1 Sherman Medium Tank
  • Churchill Heavy Tank
  • Archer Tank Destroyer
  • M4A3E8 Sherman Easy Eight


  • 25-Pounder Artillery Emplacement
  • 6-Pounder Anti-Tank Gun Team
  • BL 5.5 Heavy Artillery Emplacement

The Wehrmacht

These are the units of the Wehrmacht

The Wehrmacht is also a largely defensive faction, but in Company of Heroes 3 it also gets many new tools at its disposal. Especially at the beginning, this faction will tend to hold back and defend its territories with great firepower and excellently trained infantry. But towards the end of the game the tables can turn. This is when the Germans bring out their biggest tanks and go on the offensive. The Wehrmacht can also choose one of three commanders at the beginning of each game and thus unlock different abilities as needed.


  • Pioneer Squad
  • Grenadier Squad
  • Heavy Machine Gun Team (MG42)
  • Mortar Team (81mm)
  • Fighter Squad
  • Sniper
  • Armor Grenadier Squad
  • Strike Squad
  • Paratrooper Squad
  • Parachute Pioneers Squad


  • Chainwheel Sd.Kfz. 2
  • Opel Blitz Logistics Truck Sd.Kfz. 305
  • Scout Car Sd.Kfz. 221
  • Flakpanzer IV Whirlwind Sd.Kfz. 161/4
  • Marder III Tank Destroyer Sd.Kfz. 138
  • Medium Armored Personnel Carrier Sd. Kfz. 251
  • StuG III Assault Gun Sd.Kfz. 142
  • Panzer IV Medium Tank Sd.Kfz. 161/1
  • Storm Tank IV Growler Sd.Kfz. 166
  • Tiger Sd.Kfz. 182


  • Flak 30 Anti-Aircraft Gun Team
  • Flak 36 Anti-Tank Gun
  • Pak 40 Anti-Tank Gun Team
  • LG40 Recoilless Launcher
  • Fog Launcher 42 Rocket Launcher Team

The German Afrika Korps

These are the units of the DAK

The fourth faction is a complete novelty for Company of Heroes. This is the German Africa Corps or DAK for short. It is therefore an army of the Wehrmacht that was stationed in North Africa. Unlike their defensive colleagues, the units of the DAK are designed for mobility and offensive. The corps thus relies on fast vehicles and aims to flank the enemy and also withdraw quickly.


  • Armor Grenadier Squad
  • Tankerpioneer Squad
  • Assault Grenadier Squad
  • MG34 Machine Gun Team
  • Guastatori


  • Bike Protectors Motorcycle Team
  • Famo Recovery Hald-Track Sd.Kfz. 9/1
  • Medium Armored Personnel Carrier Sd.Kfz. 250
  • Medical Truck Sd.Kfz. 305
  • Flak Half-Track Sd.Kfz. 7/1
  • Panzer III Medium Tank Sd.Kfz. 141
  • Flak Medium Tank Sd.Kfz. 141
  • Walking Stuka Rocket Launcher Sd. Kfz. 251
  • StuG III Assault Gun Sd.Kfz. 142
  • Tiger I Heavy Tank Sd.Kfz. 181


  • Pak 38 Anti-Tank Gun Team
  • le.IG 18 Support Gun Team
  • Flak 36 Anti-Tank Gun Team

Keep in mind that CoH 3 is still in development and will not be released until November 17, 2022. So all unit lists are still subject to change.

Which faction appeals to you the most? Or would you have preferred a completely different army selection? Write me your opinion in the comments!