Compared to this Steam horror game, Blair Witch Project almost seems like an idyllic walk in the woods


Silent Breath wants to take your breath away. Find out what else there is to know about the horror game apart from this semi-good pun here

Kids of the 1990s immediately get nostalgic goosebumps at the mention of the title Blair Witch Project . Because the very cheaply produced horror film from 1999 was a huge surprise success at the time, which relies on a found-footage look, i.e. it looks like an old VHS film.

Silent Breath also relies on this look. But the highlight of the indie horror game is something completely different. We explain how exactly the title wants to teach you to be creeped out

Your microphone becomes a nasty traitor

In Silent Breath you have to find several people in a spooky forest who got lost there before. Sounds easy, and it probably would be if you weren’t constantly being chased by eyeless monsters, killer clowns and other creatures

Let’s move on to the highlight mentioned earlier: Silent Breath uses your microphone in a very interesting way. If you run through the pitch-black forest at night, your pursuers will do everything in their power to trigger a jump scare and make you scream.

As soon as you scream, the end of the game approaches – and not the good one. There are two endings, depending on how much you strain your vocal chords and lure the monsters onto your trail. If you kick the bucket, you have to start all over again

The gameplay trailer is already not for the faint-hearted:

Simply memorizing the route to the missing persons is not possible either. Silent Breath generates the forest anewevery time you start the game. This means you have to orientate yourself each time and cannot fall back on previous experience.

Unreal Engine 5, but still no graphics board

Technically, Silent Breath uses Unreal Engine 5, but you can hardly tell by looking at the game. You shouldn’t expect a glossy look, which would also be somewhat unrealistic. After all, Silent Breath is only being developed by one person

Some strengths of the UE5 can still be recognized, especially the good lighting and the detailed vegetation are quite impressive. To further emphasize the VHS cassette look of days long gone, the game uses the 4:3

aspect ratio throughout.

Silent Breath does not yet have a fixed release date. However, Early Access is expected to start soon and the developer is aiming for a final version at the end of the year

(Silent Breath in the Steam shop )

By the way: If you like the concept of using your microphone, the horror game Don’t Scream might also be something for you

If Silent Breath is too scary for you and you’re still looking for new Steam game fodder, don’t despair. Because we’ve picked out five new games for you that we think are unjustly under the radar.

Can you imagine giving Silent Breath a chance as soon as it’s released? Or are you already waving it off in view of your weak nerves? Let us know in the comments!