Crazy action in World War 3 – $5 million for special package of CoD competitor

World War 3 – 5 million dollars for special package


A buyable add-on in a video game can hardly be more expensive. The buyer:in of World War 3’s most expensive beta pack gets, among other things, his or her own starring role in the WW3 movie and much more.

It’s probably the most expensive offer of the year. As part of the announcement of a closed beta test phase for World War 3, developer The Farm 51 is talking about the prices of the available closed beta packs. These include the President Pack, which normal players:inside could never afford.

5 million dollars for President Pack

Besides the usual (and reasonably priced) pre-order packs, one pack in particular stands out: the President Pack. In German it is called “Oberbefehlshaber”. The package costs a whole 5 million US dollars (4.4 million euros) and is limited to exactly one copy. The enormous price has a specific reason.

With the President Pack, the buyer:in will receive, in addition to the standard content of all packs:

  • a starring role in the World War 3 film
  • a genuine copy of the famous Ronin helmet
  • a unique in-game avatar
  • a map with your own hometown as a template
  • an exclusive golden skin for all weapons

So the main reason for buying this hugely expensive pack is the opportunity to star in a World War 3 movie. Numerous portals are already reporting that there might be someone interested in buying the pack. This is because the pre-order option is transparently stored and cannot be clicked on.

While everyone who pre-ordered the game before 4 October and received an exclusive item and lieutenant pack worth €43.99, everyone else will now get the chance to buy one of the available closed beta packs. Prices for these pre-order packs range from €12.99 to €259.99:

From 25 November onwards, purchasers will have access to a closed beta. All you have to do is pre-order the game and you will also receive special in-game items for taking part. An open beta for everyone will be opened on 25 March 2022. From then on, the shooter and Call of Duty competitor will also be playable as a free-to-play version.