Crimson Desert: In the picture-perfect medieval game you throw enemies and fly with hot air balloons


The role-playing game with MMO elements presents its great graphics and spectacular battles in a new trailer

Crimson Desert is the new action adventure game from the developer Pearl Abyss. After remaining comparatively quiet about the title for a long time, the open-world game shows new gameplay during the Opening Night Live at gamescom, which impresses above all with action-packed battle scenes. But even beyond the combat, there are numerous exciting features to be seen.

What can we do here?

Watching the new trailer for the first time feels a bit like a fever dream: we chase from scene to scene, see chaotic fights and everything burns or explodes. But just see for yourself:

Within three minutes, the developers show what we can do in the fantasy world of the mixture of single-player role-playing game and MMO. This includes:

  • We can kick or throw an enemy into their allies, completely disrupting their formation.
  • We can bring down wooden towers with a mighty sword stroke and bury opponents under them.
  • There are explosive crates that explode when you hit them. However, this will also be quite dangerous for us. Better to shoot with a bow that can be fired from a horse.
  • We can fish, gather and hunt, but also act as rat catchers with a flute.
  • We fly with hot air balloons and travel with portals, but can probably also fly ourselves with the help of magic.
  • We tame horses.
  • Thanks to the parkour system, we also climb trees or houses.

What do you think of Crimson Desert so far. Do you like the huge world and the pretty fancy graphics, or just the many possibilities the action adventure offers you? Or are you rather sceptical and think that the developers want too much and end up overdoing it? Feel free to write us your opinion in the comments!