Cult racing game Bleifuss returns after 30 years as “Screamer” because that was always its name


After 30 years, a cult racing game returns that only the old hands among you know. Soon the race for life and death will start again.

Ah yes, the good old Bleifuss. A then still very young Petra Fröhlich, pardon me, Maueröder, wrote in the in her conclusion :

A racing game of this caliber has been long overdue.

Florian Stangl has not yet started his career as the Stanglnator. Rather, he comes in the to the conclusion :

There is definitely no faster car race for the PC than Bleifuß. Just forget all good manners and ruthlessly push your hard-working colleagues off the track while you indulge in the thrill of incredible speed.

And Michael Galuschka? The editor of Power Play writes under his review about Bleifuss:

Caution: Never drive a car directly after a lead foot session. Reality will seem impossibly slow to you and you are guaranteed to drive too fast and very, very recklessly…

Wait, what about the GlobalESportNews and what the hell are you talking about?First of all: The GlobalESportNews didn’t even exist in 1995. Secondly, well, we’re talking about Bleifuss, known as Screamer in the original English version. The old-school racing game is now returning under this name!

A race for life and death

At the Game Awards 2024, a… well, what actually? A remake? A reboot? In any case, a new Screamer was announced.

The racing game apparently doesn’t give a damn about modern conventions and prefers to follow in the old-school footsteps of its ancestor. At least that’s what the description in the official press release suggests:

This brand new installment of Screamer seamlessly blends high-octane arcade action with revolutionary gameplay dynamics and a deep story enriched by interwoven character arcs.

Inspired by anime and manga from the 80s and 90s, the narrative and visual framework form the heart and soul of the game. The game features contributions from industry-leading partners, including animated cutscenes created in collaboration with Polygon Pictures – one of Japan’s oldest and most prestigious animation studios – and the acclaimed American actor Troy Baker, one of the most recognizable voices in the gaming industry.

The new edition is being developed by the Italian racing game professionals Milestone. The release is scheduled for 2026 for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

We have saved the most important news of the entire announcement for last: Even in 2026, Screamer will still be called Bleifuss in Germany. Everything will stay as it is. In this particular case, that makes not only Wife Swap Andreas happy, but also many old racing game fans among you, right? Feel free to write it to us in the comments!