Cyberpunk 2077: Player finds brand new secret, CD Projekt congratulates


A still undiscovered secret lay dormant in Night City until the very end, and one player has now even been publicly praised for finding it

Cyberpunk 2077 has numerous secrets hidden by the developers, also known as Easter eggs. Some of them may be ancient, but they still excite fans today.

And some are new – so new that one player has now even received praise from CD Projekt itself for uncovering a secret.

An Easter Egg with real team spirit

The recently released patch 2.12 for Cyberpunk 2077 turned out to be extremely small. But what the short release notes don’t reveal: CD Projekt had still placed an undiscovered Easter Egg in Night City – and a very nice one at that!

YouTuber Ian Ilano TV has now uncovered the secret. In the following video, he reveals how to reach the Easter Egg and what’s behind it

So at this point a spoiler warningin case you want to solve the puzzle yourself.

How to get to the new Easter Egg:

  1. Travel on the map to the fast travel point Bradbury & Buran in the northern part of the city.
  2. Turn left immediately, walk down the street until you see a hamburger perched above a diner called Tom’s Diner (the place where you first meet Takemura after the Relic fiasco).
  3. You have to get to the roof of the diner. Simply climb onto the small stall to the right of the entrance.
  4. On top, you’ll see one of the sightseeing binoculars introduced in Patch 2.1, which you can press right in front of your eyes.
  5. Move the camera to the left building, where you will see a purple motorcycle. Next to it you see a logo – a red bird that may look suspiciously familiar.
  6. That’s right, it’s the official company logo of CD Projekt. All you have to do now is stare at the logo for a few seconds. You’ll trigger a glitch and see the Easter Egg – a team photo of your favorite Chooms from CD Projekt!

(The Easter Egg on the roof of Tom's Diner exudes real team spirit.)
(The Easter Egg on the roof of Tom’s Diner exudes real team spirit.)

As already mentioned, no one had ever tracked down this Easter Egg before. And that’s why Ian Ilano TV’s find caused such a stir – until even CD Projekt itself got in touch

Because none other than Marcin Momot, Global Community Director of the Polish studio, congratulated the YouTuber on X (formerly Twitter) on his find.

There was a recent discussion in one of our Slack channels that [the Easter Egg] hasn’t been discovered yet. Well done for finding it!

The team photo is the latest addition to the illustrious round of Easter Eggs in Cyberpunk 2077. We have another secret, albeit not a newly discovered one, for you in the article linked above. Fans have also been wondering where Johnny Silverhand’s body has actually gone. You can find out what conclusion they came to in the article linked above.