Dark-Fantasy Role-Playing Game I, the Inquisitor Announced


The dark fantasy genre is currently experiencing a revival in video games. Now the Polish developer The Dust has announced an exciting new title with I, the Inquisitor. Another exciting aspect is that the game is based on the successful novels by Jacek Piekara and will be released for PS5, Xbox Series and PC. A first teaser trailer already conveys the mood and sinister setting of the game very well.

In I, the Inquisitor we take on the role of Mordimer Madderdin, an Inquisitor who does everything in his power to uphold law and order in the world. However, in this world, an alternative to ours, things are very different. Because Jesus chose to respond after his crucifixion not with mercy and forgiveness but with vengeance and anger, centuries later in I, the Inquisitor the medieval world is characterised by profound fanaticism and blind rage against all those who do not follow the dogmas of the blood-soaked one true church.

(Different areas are supposed to provide variety in the linear gameplay in I, the Inquisitor.)
(Different areas are supposed to provide variety in the linear gameplay in I, the Inquisitor.)

A very interesting idea and unused setting for an action adventure game, which is also strongly reminiscent of A Plague Tale by Asobo Studio. As a player, this will present us with many a difficult moral decision in the profound story. As an inquisitor in the service of an avenging god, we have been sent to the city of Königstein. The five very different districts are teeming with secrets, sins and criminals. How we deal with them. How mildly or mercilessly we act is to a certain extent also to be in our own hands. In any case, the tone in the game will apparently be very rough and the story will be central and beautifully gloomy and serious.

I, The Inquisitor is currently in an alpha version while they are also looking for a suitable publisher for the game. Consequently, there is no release date yet. However, the first images shown in the trailer look very promising and make you want to see more.