Day 1 Patch for AC Mirage is here: The most important changes at a glance


Assassin’s Creed Mirage still suffered from some bugs in our test. These will be removed with the first patch – here are the patch notes for 1.0.2.

If you download Assassin’s Creed Mirage, the Day 1 patch is included and updates your game to version 1.0.2. And what the patch notes reveal sounds like a pretty good idea: The update addresses some bugs that were criticised in the international reviews and also in our own test.

We gave the test version a deduction of 3 points because quest bugs occurred from time to time or the game crashed completely. This devaluation will remain until we are sure that these bugs are really fixed.

What’s in the Day 1 patch of AC Mirage?

We list a few of the most important changes, the complete patch notes can be found on page 2 of the article.

Fall Damage: Basim can throw enemies from roofs or ledges. Until now, it could happen that they did not take damage as intended. In the release version a deep fall now hurts appropriately.

Questmarker: Sometimes the markers disappeared after loading the game. Quite inconvenient! Now the game should guide you reliably to the goal.

Fancier takedowns: The animations for particularly spectacular assassination manoeuvres should now be smoother. Great, because the classic assassin gameplay is probably the game’s greatest strength


In addition, the patch 1.0.2. should fundamentally improve the stability of the game and fix numerous graphics glitches and minor bugs. Good news for those with less powerful computers, because AC Mirage doesn’t actually require a high-end PC!

What are your plans: Will you start your journey to Baghdad in Basim’s shoes right at the release on 5 October? Or will you wait with the compact spin-off until you get hold of it in a sale? Do you perhaps leave it completely cold because you prefer the role-playing parts? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Patchnotes for update 1.0.2


  • Elevators could kill Basim.
  • Shards were not awarded properly.
  • End of game rewards are now awarded correctly after the game ends.
  • Enemies now take damage correctly when they fall.
  • Automatic Loot skill now works correctly on all enemies regardless of how the player kills them.
  • Players no longer lose control of Basim after fast travelling.
  • The reaction time of opponents when parrying is properly slowed down by the “Dagger of Time”. of Time”.
  • The “Sand Sword” perk now properly heals Basim when he kills an enemy.
  • Basim will now no longer be killed when wearing the “Sand Outfit” if he takes two lethal damage from two different enemies at the same time.


  • Quest markers no longer disappear after a save/load action is performed.
  • The English language option now correctly appears only once in the menus.
  • Instances of misplaced or incorrectly displayed UI. 


  • NPCs on boats now sail on and no longer stop.
  • NPCs drinking animation corrected.
  • Removed invisible collision from some objects in Baghdad.


  • Improved NPC recognition during the quest “Gilded Butterfly”.
  • Rewards for the quest “Forty Thieves” are not visible in the game.
  • Eavesdropping attacks are now played correctly.
  • Baghdad Bound – Could not interact in the Harbiyah office if the investigation panel was opened too quickly after the dialogue scene.
  • Beast Cave – Unable to interact with Ali in the “Talk to Ali” objective. interact with Ali”.
  • Catching a Demon – Unable to interact with the tool wheel or world map when spotted by enemies while interacting with clues.
  • Gilded Butterflies – Fighting during the “Great Auction” interrupted the quest flow.
  • The Great Symposium – Fixed blockers for the “Find Frazil the Great Scholar” objective. Scholar” fixed.
  • The Serpent’s Nest – Dialogues are now triggered correctly for Basim.


  • Numerous improvements to graphics, environment and VFX.
  • Multiple stability improvements.
  • Enemies and bosses have abnormal poses.
  • Natural animations for Basim and/or Nehal.
  • Refresh rate settings now display the correct information.
  • Animations for takedowns are more sophisticated.
  • Placeholder lines/dialogues that were displayed for too long are now removed.
  • Removed conditions where cinematics did not display worn objects. Displayed objects.
  • Setup optimisation for Ultrawide and Multiscreen modes.
  • Settings now remain on Luna.