Deathloop has no co-op – How you can still play together and have more fun

Deathloop game

In addition to its innovative PvP, the shooter Deathloop does not have a co-op mode. But you can still play together and make things easier for yourselves.

Door codes, laser beams, guns, empty batteries, cameras or heaps of enemies: Deathloop is an obstacle course peppered with traps that are meant to keep curious players from doing exactly what Arkane’s shooter is all about – exploring and uncovering its secrets.

Our hero Colt doesn’t need to expect any help. Not only are all the inhabitants of Blackreef hostile to us. Other players can also infiltrate our levels as the assassin Julianna and actively hunt us down.

But they don’t have to. Because Deathloop also puts a lot of emphasis on its enormous freedom in the multiplayer: Whoever wants to can join forces in the PvP rounds and master challenges together. We explain how this works and what pitfalls you have to be aware of.

How does the multiplayer work?

One euro into the Dark Souls comparison box, but Deathloop’s multiplayer works like Dark Souls! At least like invading in PvP. As Julianna, you invade the time loop of other colts and want to mess up their tour. You can do this as soon as you have finished the tutorial loop after two to three hours.

If you then select Julianna in the start menu, after a short introductory sequence you can make life difficult for other players if they have set “online” or “for friends”. However, you can only visit a player once per time loop and only in levels with Visionaries, i.e. the high-ranking targets in the assassin shooter.

How do I play in co-op?

To play Deathloop in co-op, you’ll have to do a bit of trickery, because of course there is no setting for it. Join a friend as Julianna, who has opened the game to friends only, or activate the online mode yourself in the menu and select a mission – preferably one you would like help with. Don’t forget that Julianna can only join under the conditions outlined above.

What do I have to consider?

Julianna does not have to attack Colt. If you do, you can explore the levels together. Especially as the enemy assassin, you also have a few advantages. She brings her own arsenal of weapons and abilities that can cleverly complement Colt’s – for example, if he takes Nexus, which chains enemies, and his teleport, his partner can still fling enemies around using Carnesia.

Moreover, no one attacks Julianna as long as she does not behave aggressively. So in her role, scouting and taking out enemies is child’s play. However, there are also a few snags that you have to get used to:

  • Friendly Fire: Because the multiplayer is meant to be PvP, Julianna and Colt can hurt each other. So avoid using skills and weapons against each other
  • Only one life: Unlike Colt, the attacker cannot revive herself. If she is killed, that’s it for the level and even for the whole loop. So proceed with caution!
  • One visit per time loop: Theoretically, several players can visit you as Julianna in one loop. However, a particular opponent may only join once. You can therefore play a maximum of one mission together per loop
  • Julianna goes empty-handed: As an opponent, you will only unlock new weapons and abilities if you successfully hunt Colt. If you want to complete the mission together, Colt must survive and Julianna must forfeit her success

What makes the unwanted co-op so cool

So why bother playing Deathloop together at all? The short answer: because it combines co-op strengths with the thrill of PvP. That’s something you rarely experience otherwise. For example, we meet in Karls Bay. Colt sneaks while Julianna surveys the situation and takes out enemies who get too close to Colt. The enemies don’t know what’s happening to them, as the assassin is actually on their side.

Arriving at Visionary Harriet’s warehouse hideout, Colt teleports through the laser barrier to finish off the target behind it. He turns his back on Julianna, who suddenly spikes him with bullets. Colt dies and realises he has made a big mistake. For the co-op can turn back into a deadly game of cat-and-mouse at any moment; if you’re too trusting, you lose everything at the wrong moment.

Julianna expands her arsenal with every victory to hunt and kill Colt even better - or to help him even more effectively, if that's what you want.
Julianna expands her arsenal with every victory to hunt and kill Colt even better – or to help him even more effectively, if that’s what you want.

Other times, for example, Julianna uses her transformation ability and takes on the face of a normal Eternalist while he wears her face. Colt runs unsuspectingly towards the fake Julianna and then suddenly finds himself between her and the real assassin in disguise, both of whom target him.

With this, co-op creates a similar dynamic to Among Us and co: you can help your friends, but you can also trick them and make a mind game out of multiplayer.

If Julianna and Colt immediately go for each other’s throats in Deathloop, the PvP match is quickly over and thus a little sobering. Hardly anyone wants to look for a new game every few minutes to play a bit of PvP. If you explore together, take out enemies and get to know the levels in order to help each other to victory or trap the other person at the last second, you get much more out of the multiplayer. To find out what Deathloop has to offer in terms of gameplay, story and more, read our review.

Deathloop is not what you expected – and that’s a good thing