Deep Rock Galactic: If you like co-op, you simply have to get it now

Deep Rock Glactic game review

The new update and the reduced price should convince even the last sceptic: Deep Rock Galactic is now more worthwhile than ever.

I just can’t stop getting on everyone’s nerves about how good this game is! And that’s also the reason why this article exists here: Because now it’s your turn for me to get on your nerves about how good Deep Rock Galactic is.

There’s never been a better time than now to get started with the co-op masterpiece: Until 15 November, the game costs almost a ridiculous 15 euros on Steam thanks to a discount promotion. In addition, the biggest update to date has just been released and has caused player numbers to literally explode! You can now compete against a rival Space Corporation with all-new weapons and the new mission type is just so … sorry, I’m going wild again. One at a time!

What’s this all about?

Deep Rock Galactic is a co-op shooter for up to four players, but those who go off on their own at least get a useful helper drone at their side. You slip into the role of dwarves who are sent to a dangerous planet as interstellar miners to mine rare ores or to do other lucrative and dangerous jobs.

On the orbiting space station you choose your mission, fly to the destination and build pipelines, mine for minerals or repair robots, while the local flora and fauna get in your way.

You beat them back with flamethrowers, miniguns, grenades and mines, evacuate from the area of operation and then spend your hard-earned miner’s wages on even better weapons or upgrades. Or on beer. Or fashionable beards. Beards are extremely important to Dwarves!

Why is this fun?

This may sound like a moderately interesting grind, but on closer inspection it turns out to be one of the best co-op experiences currently available on the gaming market! Here is an overview of Deep Rock’s greatest strengths:

  • The teamwork: Due to the class system, every dwarf has a certain role. The Scout provides light in dark tunnels and explores the paths with his grappling hook, the Driller drills criss-cross shortcuts through the levels with his drill heads and so on. So you don’t just shoot side by side, but always have to use your tools in the spirit of the team.
  • The Community: Co-op is most fun with friends, but Deep Rock Galactic’s players are usually open to newcomers and very helpful. So even with strange comrades there is a real “we” feeling. A little tip: If you join a match in progress as a backup, greet the team with a “Rock and Stone” battle cry on the V-key!
  • The levels: There is so much to explore in Deep Rock Galactic! Dry desert biomes with quicksand and sandstorms, volcanic vaults where lava pours out of every corner and even gigantic wooden caves where living tendrils dwell. Since each map is randomly generated and completely destructible, no two missions are alike and it’s hard to get enough of the strangely beautiful alien worlds. Just be careful not to miss any ravenous alien parasites or radioactive monoliths!
  • The Addiction Spiral: Spending your earned credits in Deep Rock Galactic is almost as much fun as earning them! Do you want to buy a fancy helmet? Or would you rather overclock your plasma cannon? Oh no, how about that fancy pickaxe? Have I mentioned various beards? The options are endless. And in the end it all goes to countless rounds of beer at the bar of our space station. After all, many types of beer give small bonuses. Cheers!

​Schön und tödlich: Die Lichtstimmung ist eines der großen Highlights von DRG.

Updates, updates, updates

Deep Rock Galactic was promising right from the start, but became monotonous at some point due to the same mission types over and over again. But these times are over: For over three years, the developers have been working tirelessly on new content, bringing more diverse biomes, new weapons, more unlock junk and additional enemies into the game. Free of charge, mind you. Meanwhile, there are missions in which you escort a giant drill caterpillar, for example, while being attacked by hordes of nasty bugs. Or bounty hunts for particularly large monsters. Or, or, or.

The developers always keep an ear to the ground, taking feedback via Twitter and Discord and regularly posting status updates and roadmaps. And that brings us to the new giant update mentioned at the beginning! Rival Incursion is the name of the thing that many other developers would probably have released as a paid add-on.

This time it contains a completely new enemy faction that is also after the planet’s mineral resources and with whom we can take on a new mission type. You can see what this looks like here: