(Delta Force does what Battlefield has lost over the years) – First alpha conclusion of many shooter experts is clear


Delta Force: Hawk Ops has entered Alpha – and is generating enthusiasm among many players. We have collected the most important voices from the community for you

Shooter fanshave been waiting a long time for a worthy Battlefield successor, and now this heir in spirit could finally be here. On August 6, the new tactical shooterDelta Force: Hawk Opsentered alpha testing and the community is enthusiastic after the first few rounds.

Apparently, the new Chinese developer Timi has succeeded in bringing the once great series out of obscurity after more than 14 years – and in top form. Many players are already commenting online that the new Delta Force could already outstrip EA’s Battlefield.And best of all: Hawk Ops is Free 2 play.

During the Alpha, two of the planned three game modes are available in Delta Force: Hawk Ops: the Extraction mode calledTactical Unrestand the Battlefield classic-like Rush mode called Chaotic War.The campaign is currently not playable.

Finally that Battlefield feeling again

The feedback from the community so far has mainly been about the 64-player Breakthrough modeAnd there’s a lot here that really is reminiscent of older Battlefield games: From the map design, to the four classes (Assault Soldier, Supporter, Medic and Recon), to the variety of vehicles you can operate.

According to the GermanYoutuber TheEkwahthis is really well received:According to him, the maps are extremely varied. On one map, players first attack with boats, then go ashore and finally climb a mountain peak with winding caves. TheEkwah finds:Here one recognizes above allBattlefield 3again.

In his opinion, the gunplay also feels crisp:The weapons are powerful, the hit feedback is satisfying. The distance display for kills and on your own death screen feels rewarding.

The channelLevelCapGamingagain thinks theweapon customization systemin the new Delta Force is great: The unlock progress is successful, the individual weapon customizationis very intuitive and easy to use. You can also test the more than 500 possible combinations on a dedicated shooting range.

Despite its alpha status, Hawk Ops already feels very well-rounded and extensive to many streamers-at least in Rush mode. Starving Battlefield fans should get exactly what they’ve been looking for in vain in recent years.

In the words of TheEkwah:Delta Force makes up for what Battlefield has lost over the years For streamersEndersit therefore even has the potential to be a realBattlefield killer:

Is the extraction mode any good?

In contrast, Extraction mode plays like a completely different game.There is an inventory, loot, missions, a stamina system and injuries that you have to treat. Both real players and bots stand in your way on the maps.

The structure of the mode is reminiscent of a middle ground between the fast-pacedCoD: Warzoneand the more tacticalEscape from Tarkov.It remains to be seen how the Extraction mode will develop between now and launch –because most players are concentrating on the Battlefield mode so far.

You need more shooter fodder? Then take a look at the news in the link box above. There we’ll tell you how you can get a coveted alpha key for Delta Force, what the campaign has to offer and what accents the competitor Arena Breakout: Infinite wants to set.

Have you already tried out the new Delta Force? What do you think of the Battlefield rival so far? Let us know in the comments below: