Destiny 2 brings back the creepy factor with Festival of the Lost


Every year Bungie invites you to a good portion of creepiness in Destiny 2. What the Festival of the Lost offers this year, we tell you in the following article.

Admittedly, the Festival of the Lost in Divinity 2 is not quite as spooky.
Instead, guardians can use their masks to pass event challenges to earn passes. Afterwards, they can upgrade their event card to spend those passes on even more goodies.

For example, the new Legendary Haunted Sectors with player questing offer especially great challenges and rewards.

In these sectors you will collect Uncanny Engrams, which you can use together with Eva Hokusfokus to create corresponding event weapons. Eva also offers other goodies that you can discover until 7 November in Destiny 2.

If you want to celebrate the (this year’s Festival of the Lost) in Divinity 2 properly, you should stop by the Everversum Store. There you can purchase armor ornament sets for each class