Destiny 2: Festival of the Lost makes a comeback


Guardians, get ready for an eerie spectacle! The Festival of the Lost returns to Destiny 2, bringing you eerie features like masks, a candy hunt, a new weapon, and new cosmetic items.

Destiny 2 presents you with a new event map for the Festival of the Lost. Like the Solstice event, community members will be able to unlock new cosmetic items such as a eue gesture, a ship, an Exotic Spirit shell and more.
A new feature is the Homeworn Sector in the ETZ , where eerie cabals lurk. As part of this, Guardians can try out the Haunted Sector playlist, where they face the headless in new and returning Haunted Sectors.

For extra style in this Festival of the Lost, the new Mech Armour will allow players to dress up. In the Everversum Store, this new costume can be purchased for shiny dust or silver.

Last but not least, during this Festival of the Lost, there are two Bungie rewards that you can unlock by completing the appropriate tasks. The Headless T-Shirt is available to those who complete the Triumph Bookworm I  This progress can be achieved by unlocking a third of the pages in the Book of Forgotten.

In addition, players can pre-order the Ghost Hunter Medallion collectible pin  after completing the new seal and its corresponding door.

While the Festival of the Lost will keep you at bay until November 8, the Season of the Scavengers will continue until December 6