Diablo 2: Resurrected – Necromancer trailer shows undead companions

‎Diablo 2 Resurrected Necromancer

Little by little, Blizzard is introducing all the classes of Diablo 2: Resurrected in short trailers. Now it’s the turn of the necromancer, who made his first appearance in the second part of the action role-playing game series.

The name already reveals the core concept: the necromancer can revive defeated enemies and have them fight for him. In addition, he uses skeletons and golems for himself and resorts to powerful poison and bone spells. In the new edition, of course, this looks a whole lot prettier than it did in the original.

You can find more information about Diablo 2: Resurrected in our big FAQ.

Diablo 2 Resurrected: Release, Beta and more – all info on the remaster