Diablo 4: Season 2 is set to be the biggest content update yet, now all the details are known


In a livestream, Diablo 4 developers talked in detail about all the changes coming with Season of Blood.

After the first season of Diablo 4 is almost over, and had to take some criticism, it will soon continue with Season 2, the so-called Season of Blood After a first trailer was released at Gamescom, most of the important details about the new content and changes were revealed in a livestream. We summarize the most important for you

Quick navigation:

  • New Quest Series
  • Vampiric powers
  • More new content
  • Comfort changes and balance updates

    New Quest Series

    As already known, the story of the Season will revolve around vampires. As a result of the events of the main game, an ancient vampire lord has awakened and now begins to turn innocent people into vampires. We too become infected, but are able to escape the prince’s influence and negative consequences, while still gaining vampiric abilities.

    We subsequently meet a professional vampire hunter who is also fighting the bloodsuckers, and help her in her task. In the end, as you might expect, there is a big fight with the vampire lord. On our way there, we also get to visit new dungeons, such as Kryptas.

    Vampiric Powers

    What powers are there?

    (Some examples of vampiric powers.)
    (Some examples of vampiric powers.)

    The new Season mechanic lets us use the blood of fallen enemies to unlock or level up new vampiric powers. We can unlock a total of 22 of these powers, and the developers have already given us some examples:

    • While dodging, we can turn into an unstoppable cloud of batsthat inflicts damage on enemies.
    • We can summon a bat companion to assist us in battle.
    • We can collect stacks by using basic abilities, and thus eventually go into a blood frenzy
    • We can form a puddle of blood around us, which lowers damage taken and boosts channeled abilities.
    • There is a new status effect, the vampiric curse If we kill enemies who are under the influence of the curse, we collect their soul. If we then use a defensive ability, all the souls are released and hit enemies like a hail of bullets.

    In contrast to Season 1, our new abilities should now no longer be tailored to a specific class, but be usable for all characters . However, we cannot use them completely unconditionally.

    How do we use them?

    (In this menu we can see if we have enough pacts for our abilities.)
    (In this menu we can see if we have enough pacts for our abilities.)

    Instead, we need so-called pacts, which are always part of armor pieces found during the Season. In total, there are three different pacts. We need a certain number of each of these to be able to use an ability. So we need to wear enough pieces of armor to have a total of about 5 pacts of one type.

    However, we can also collect the pacts as loose items, and add them to the desired armor pieces up to a limit.

    More new content

    (We also sometimes meet fallen heroes in the open world, like this vampiric barbarian.)
    (We also sometimes meet fallen heroes in the open world, like this vampiric barbarian.)

    • New enemies: The Vampire Lord has many different servants, of course, including such things as bats, skeletons, and lesser vampires. There are also the so-called Blood Seekers, stronger opponents who represent heroes who have fallen victim to vampirism So there will be vampiric wizards, barbarians, hunters and so on.
    • New boss opponents: Totally, there shall be five new and recurring end-game bosses for you to take on in the end-game. They only spawn on world levels 3 and 4. These bosses are also said to be a good way to farm special unique items.

    Comfort changes and balance updates

    A lot of comfort changes are planned to arrive just in time for Season 2, also the balance will be updated again The following changes are planned:

    • A new way on which gemstones are stored.
    • Having completed the prologue of the main game, you can skip the whole campaign with your Season character 
    • Skipping the campaign will unlock a total of 10 waypoints
    • There are now storage chests in each smaller town with its own waypoint.
    • If you have previously unlocked the horse, it will become immediately available in each new run. Mounts also become faster, have a lower cooldown, and get stuck less often.
    • Recognition rewards are now basically tied to the account. So you start your Season character with additional skill and paragon points and more rewards.
    • Avoid scrolls are now automatically consumed in Hardcore mode if disconnected during a fight. You will then automatically end up in a safe location.
    • Uniques, legendary effects, and resistances are to be rebalanced.

    These are some of the major changes in Season 2, which is set to be the biggest content update yet for Diablo 4. More news, analysis and articles on the Season of Blood will be coming soon

    What do you think of the now revealed Season 2? Are you looking forward to the Season of Blood, or are you rather skeptical or even averse to it? Which of the announced changes and new content do you find most promising? And what do you not like so much? Feel free to write us your opinions and thoughts in the comments!