Dying Light 2: New Game Plus is coming today, here’s what you need to know




Patch 1.3 for Dying Light 2 finally brings New Game Plus and many other improvements. We have all the info on the release of the update and the patch notes.

Dying Light 2 was one of the most popular games on Steam at the beginning of the year, the open-world zombie adventure had almost 300,000 players at the same time around three months ago.

There aren’t many of them left at the moment, but that could change as of today: With the big update 1.3, developer Techland fulfils the biggest player wish and finally brings the long-awaited New Game Plus into the game. We have summarised all the important information about the patch and the patch notes for you.

All info on Patch 1.3 and New Game+


When will Patch 1.3 be released?

The update has been released since today, 27 April 2022, at around 12:20 a.m. German time and is around 5 GB in size on the PC.

What can you expect in the New Game Plus?

If you’ve never heard of New Game Plus: In this game mode, which is also available in Elden Ring or The Witcher 3, you start the game over again, but keep all your earned items and character levels.

(~) In the new run-through of Dying Light 2, you can then not only make different story decisions, but also get new challenges and rewards:

(~) A total of 30 new inhibitor containers, which can be used to increase health and stamina, have been hidden on the map.

(~) The level of your enemies will be adjusted to the level of your hero in NG+.

(~) The spawn points of certain enemies have been changed, for example Volatiles and Banshees also appear at night and more different enemies appear at the same time.

(~) For extra tough battles, you can travel to the Golden Markers on your map. In these special encounters, even professionals are put to the test. The reward, however, is a higher chance of winning legendary weapons and other valuable items.

(~) The quest Something Big Has Been Here has been adapted for NG+ and comes up with new enemies.

(The detailed patch notes of Update 1.3 can be found on here!)

What else changes with patch 1.3?
In addition to the NG+ mode, numerous bugs are to be fixed, which particularly affect the co-op mode. First and foremost, the annoying death loops, in which players die immediately upon entering the game, are supposed to have been fixed.

If you play on console, you can now also adjust the Field of View on PS5 and Xbox Series X with a slider.

Whether you’re returning to Dying Light 2 or using the new update to jump in fresh: In our guide overview you will find all the necessary information for the optimal (re)start!

Will you be revisiting Dying Light 2 with New Game Plus? Or was it enough for you to play through once? Write us in the comments!


New Game+

Whether you’re returning to Dying Light 2 or using the new update to jump in fresh: In our guide overview you will find all the necessary information for the optimal (re)start!

Will you be revisiting Dying Light 2 with New Game Plus? Or was it enough for you to play through once? Let us know in the comments!