Dying Light 2: New patches to address 12 major issues




What will the next patches, fixes and updates for Dying Light 2 bring? The developers at Techland provide the transparent answer – while update 1.04 is already live.

Update Feb 8, 2022: Shortly after Techland promised new improvements for Dying Light 2, the first patch has already gone live: Update 1.04 is now available for PC players and brings with it the promised fixes and bug fixes.

Update 1.04 is about 290 MB in size – so the download is quick – and the correspondingly compact patch notes provide the following details, the translation of which you can find in our original message below:

  • fixed various game crashing bugs
  • fixed AI dead body replication in co-op
  • added DLSS improvements
  • fixed issue when players couldn’t sell valuables to vendor
  • fixed artifacts being sometimes visible on some AMD cards
  • fixed mouse key binding options (meaning: you should be allowed to rebind your mouse buttons, we are still working on an additional implementation for extra mouse buttons)

Original announcement: Dying Light 2 is still plagued by a number of problems after launch. So what’s next after the Day One patch? The developers from Techland are not keeping quiet about this, but are transparently informing their players about upcoming updates and which problems they should address. We provide you with an overview.

If you are currently experiencing problems with Dying Light 2 or need help, we have a whole range of guides and service articles for you.

Dying Light 2 Beginner’s Guide: 9 Tips We Wish We’d Known Before


What upcoming patches should fix

Since the launch on 4 February 2022, Techland has already released various hotfixes to guarantee the smoothest possible start to the game for the many, many players on Steam. But that is not the end of the story. Players on Reddit and the like are reporting further problems and stumbling blocks.

That’s why Techland has now announced which flaws will be targeted by the next patches – and a whopping 12 of them are particularly relevant for PC players. The developer divides this into two categories: Fixes that have already been finalised and will soon be implemented in the game, and solutions that are currently being worked on.

Fixes that are likely to hit very soon:

  • Miscellaneous Game Crashing Bugs
  • Various situations that result in black screens
  • A bug that duplicates corpses in co-op play
  • Improvements for DLSS
  • A bug that prevents players from selling goods


Fixes currently being worked on

  • Improvement of the mouse control and free key assignments
  • Problems leading to an endless loop of screen deaths
  • Problems that blocked the progress of the story
  • The ability to use localised text with English dubbing
  • The ability to create backups for game saves
  • Additional video settings
  • Visual bugs in the hospital during the Markers of Plague quest

Naturally, Dying Light 2 is not only released for the PC, but also consoles like the Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. For the planned changes, check out Techland’s official infographics on Twitter.

Some of these problems were not only denounced by us in our test and technology check, many players were also bothered by them. You can find out more about them in the corresponding articles or videos on the respective topic.


What’s next for Dying Light 2?

If you’re already getting the most out of Dying Light 2’s playtime, you can look to the future with a clear conscience. Techland already has plans for additional content alongside new patches and fixes. In fact, Dying Light 2 will be supported with new content for at least five years. What is currently known about DLCs and addons, you can find out here:

What fixes or improvements would you like to see in Dying Light 2? Let us know in the comments!