Dying Light 2: What the new chapter has in store for you


Techland introduces the latest chapter of Dying Light 2: Stay Human. Alongside upcoming content from Huntress and a Hag  the studio also goes into detail about the horror-survival game’s other post-launch plans.

For a full seven years after its release, the predecessor was still provided with post-launch content. Up to 7.5 million community members were able to enjoy these updates.

Similarly, Techland is now planning for Dying Light 2. As Senior Brand Manager Anna Kubica and Game Designer Karol Langier reveal in the new episode of At the Fish Eye the game will be fed with new content for at least five more years. This is where the chapters come in. After the first one was released in June under the title In the Footsteps of a Nightrunner , it will now be followed in a few weeks by Huntress and a Hag

In this chapter you will meet the new agent Shen Xiu, also known as The Huntress. Even though we as players don’t know anything about her yet, The Huntress will provide us with special tasks. Later in August, new information about missions, bounties, enemies and weapons of the upcoming chapter will follow. As Kubica and Langier already hint at in the video, Shen Xiu will probably not make a brief guest appearance. Instead, her tasks and rewards will continue to grow as Dying Light 2 itself continues to expand.

Thus, the community will experience a constantly changing game world in which there are nevertheless many constants. In the future, new chapters will be released in a three to four month rhythm. This will give Techland enough time to prepare, while the community will receive new upgrades on a regular basis.

Since February this year, Dying Light 2: Stay Human has been available for PC, PlayStation and Xbox.