Elden Ring Guide: Where to find the powerful Mimic Tear Ashes and how to upgrade them (GUIDE)


Could you use some help in some boss fights but don’t want to rely on other players? The Imitator Tear is your best friend!

The Mimic Tear Ashes is one of the six legendary ghost ashes in Elden Ring. It is now a clear favourite among players thanks to its strength. Compared to the other ghost ashes, she takes on the shape of the player, including weapons, equipment and special attacks.

If you prefer to use your own sword, but are still desperately looking for blacksmithing stones to upgrade your sword, we have the right guide for you:

What makes the Mimic Tear Ashes so strong?

Even if you upgrade the ghost ash to the maximum level 10, you can dish out a lot with it. If you like to play with a helping AI, the Imitator Tear is indispensable for you.

  • The Mimic Tear copies your character, i.e. your clone has your attributes and uses your armour, as well as your weapons.
  • Even weapon greases that reinforce your sword with a lightning coating, for example, are used by the AI itself.
  • You don’t need a large FP bar to summon this spirit ash, because you lose some of your life, which is why it is especially interesting for pure melee fighters.
  • Therefore, if you play with a strong build, your clone is an equal copy of you.


    Ghost ash location

    Unfortunately, this extremely powerful ghost ash is not available right at the start, as you must first make a certain amount of progress in the main campaign. Play until you have to fight Radahn in Caelid. Once this is done, a huge meteor falls to the ground in the south of Limgrave, creating an entrance to a new area underground.

    By the way, if you have trouble defeating Radahn, this guide will tell you how to take down the boss as easy as pie:

    Elden Ring: Farming runes without being on the PC? Here’s how! (GUIDE)

    • The entrance to Nokron is located in the south of Limgrave. Teleport to the Place of Mercy west side of Haight Fortress and turn south.
    • You’ll need to get down over some rubble until you can pass through a cave entrance.
    • Once you’ve reached Nokron, follow the only path available to you until you have to fight the very boss you’re looking for: The Mimic Tear Ashes.
    • Lay the ashes in the dirt and follow the pillars until you reach the wooded plateau.
    • Keep left here and run along the rocks until you reach the place of grace Forest of the Ancestors.
    • Now turn towards the old town and jump onto the small canopy in front of you.
    • Follow the path across the rooftops until you reach a broken window through which you can climb.
    • There should now be a wall of mist in front of you down the passage, for which you need to use a stone sword key to enter the room. Kill the enemy that is in the room and collect the Imitator Tear from the chest in front of you.
    • Small addition: If you follow the path until you reach the next place of grace, you only have to follow the long road to the throne to get the item you need for the Ranni Questline.

      How to use and upgrade ghost ashes

      • At the very beginning of the game, you must go to the place of grace Church of Elleh.
      • Let the time pass until nightfall and turn to the destroyed piece of wall. There the witch Ranni should be waiting for you and give you the ghost bell.
        Next you have to go to the hut at Storm Hill and talk to Roderika. Once you have defeated the first boss Margit in Storm Veil Castle, Roderika will travel to the Round Table Fortress.
    • You will find Roderika in front of the fireplace. Now all you have to do is talk to the blacksmith and Roderika in turn until she finds her purpose and sits down in the hallway with the blacksmith.


    What do I need to upgrade?

    As with the smithing stones, there are two different types of lilies that you can use to upgrade spirit ashes.

    * You need the ghost lily for special or legendary ghost ashes, such as the Mimic Tear Ashes. The maximum level of the legendary ghost ashes is +10.

    * The Grave Lily is for all normal ghost ashes. Here, too, the maximum level is +10.

    * You can find the grave and ghost lilies mainly in dark places. It’s best to search all the caves you’ve uncovered so far. However, you will find most lilies underground. Whether in Ainsel or Siofra: In both areas you will find the high lilies yourself, but the enemies are also clearly stronger, which is why you either return later or take your legs in your hands. But be careful: The lilies are not a round glowing item, but are displayed as a real flower in the game.

    Have you had any experience with the Imitator’s Tear or do you completely forgo the assistance that Elden Ring offers? Tell us in the comments