Elden Ring Map Guide: Where to find all map fragments


Where can you find the maps for all areas? We have all the locations of the map fragments for you.

You’re exploring the huge open world of Elden Ring? As much fun as that is, sometimes a little help isn’t amiss. Especially when you spend hours searching for all the map fragments to finally have a proper map of all the areas in front of you. As a little help, we have collected all the locations of the map fragments for you on – you guessed it – clearly arranged maps.


  • West Limgrave: Located at the intersection at the base of the column.
  • East Limgrave: Located near the tree at the base of the column.

Tear peninsula

Tear peninsula: To be found on the side of the main road, past the place of mercy.


  • Dragonbarrow: On the side of the road under a monolith, east of the place of grace.
  • Caelid: To be found at the crossroads between waypoints under a monolith.


  • West-Liurna: To be found at the fork in the road under a monolith.
  • Meeting Place: To be found at the entrance to Raya Lucarian Academy, on a corpse.
  • North Liurna: At Academy Gate Town, under a large tombstone.
  • East Liurna: In the middle of the swamp under a large monument.

Altus Plateau and Concecrated Grounds

  • Mt. Gelmir: Found by a pillar in front of the road near the Place of Mercy.
  • Consecrated Snowfield: If you follow the road past the snowstorm, you will reach a frozen river. Nearby is a pillar with the map.
  • Leyndell: Located by a monolith near the place of mercy.
  • Mountaintops of the Giants, West: Near the Place of Mercy, follow the road up, there is a monument with the map.
  • Mountaintops of the Giants, East: Lies on the altar near the camp.