Elden Ring: No, you’re not going crazy – the map really is changing


With various updates, From Software made changes to the map of Elden Ring – and hardly anyone noticed. At least until now.

Have you ever opened the map in Elden Ring and asked yourself: Didn’t this place look a little different the other day? Then don’t worry, your brain is not playing tricks on you here, but From Software actually made a few small changes to the map afterwards.

Changes that the developers didn’t mention in any of the patch notes. However, the YouTuber (illusory wall) documents these revisions in a detailed video and shows how the map subtly changed here and there.

Elden Ring: How the Map Changed

In just over 19 minutes, the video from illusory wall summarises the known changes to the map so far – and they are primarily quite subtle and small. Most players will probably not even notice the cartographic revisions and they will not have a real impact on the game experience, that much is said.

Instead, the changes mostly serve to make the map more readable or more detailed. In Limgrave, for example, a small stone was removed from the map that was never present in the game world. In Liurnia, on the other hand, an entire peninsula in the shape of a fish fin was removed, which also did not really exist.

Elsewhere, certain icons have been revised or paths are displayed more correctly after the change. Certain castle walls are now also better recognisable on the map.

We can only speculate about the reasons for the changes. It is possible that some points on the map were left over from earlier versions of the game that did not make it into the finished game. Or maybe From Software worked on the game world until shortly before the end, without correcting the details of the map accordingly.

Did you notice some of the changes on the map or did they completely pass you by? Or have you not yet explored enough to notice these details? Feel free to drop us a line in the comments