Elden Ring – Patch 1.03 nerfs strongest ghost ash and brings new NPC features


A new patch is coming for Elden Ring. The update 1.03 has not only new content for NPCs, but also nerfs for a ghost ash.

Bandai Namco has released an (Update for Elden Ring). This includes not only bug fixes and performance improvements, but also new quests, features for Non Player Characters (NPCs) specific content and nerfs of a very strong ghost ash and war ash.

Following the questline of NPCs in Elden Ring is not always easy. It can happen that you forget details or even the location. With patch 1.03, the NPCs you have already met are now shown on the map with a small symbol and their name. However, the new character Jar-Bairn was also added, while the NPCs Diallos, Nepheli Loux, Kenneth Haight and Gatekeeper Gostoc received new phases for their quests.

Additionally, patch 1.03 includes some balance adjustments. The popular Ashes of the Imitator’s Tear in particular has been hit harder with a nerf. The summoned spirit now causes less damage and the behaviour pattern has also been changed. On the other hand, the FP costs of several spells were reduced and some spells even received a buff on damage.

The war ash hoarfrost stamper, popular among speedrunners, had to endure a nerf with the 1.03 patch. The damage was reduced and the time to activate the ability was increased. Furthermore, developer From Software nerfed the weapon Sword of Night and Flame. The general damage of the unique ability has been reduced.